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The LocalMessages Website Widget

Now your customers can message you right from your website!

Paulo avatar
Written by Paulo
Updated over 11 months ago

When OneLocal is building a site for you, we are able to offer you a variety of options to enhance your online presence. Our focus is on connectivity and creating an effortless path for your customers to travel from inquiry to bookings.

One of the ways we're bring connectivity to your site is with the LocalMessages Widget. This is a little chat icon that stays at the bottom of your website.

When your customer clicks on this icon they are prompted with a friendly message assuring them you will be in touch with them soon.

Your customer can inquire about anything they're seeing on your site. It gives them a quick access to your direct line of communication.

When your customer sends you a message through the LocalMessages Widget, you will be notified via email. You can then access the dashboard to reply.

To access your dashboard first log in and in the left hand navigation, click LocalMessages to be brought to your conversations.

Once you're in the dashboard you can easily message your customers back and they will receive it in the form of a text message.

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As always if you have any other questions you can always reach us in the chat bubble on the bottom of your screen.

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