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Mobile App: LocalReviews insights and details

Here's where to look for important information about LocalReviews on the OneLocal mobile app!

Rosie Barton avatar
Written by Rosie Barton
Updated over 11 months ago

The OneLocal mobile app provides you with helpful information and insight into how LocalReviews has been helping your online reputation.

To get started, login to the app:

  1. You'll see your OneLocal dashboard. Here, you'll be presented with some insights into how LocalReviews is performing.

  2. Click on the Menu button in the top left (see photo below), you'll be able to open the navigation menu, which will appear on the left.

  3. Click on the product you'd like to access - today, we'll be exploring LocalReviews.

'Reviews' and 'Insights' Tab Menus

You'll be taken to the 'Reviews' tab of your LocalReviews dashboard. Here, you can see (and respond to) your latest reviews. Also included is the star rating or sentiment of the review or feedback collected.

  1. Click on 'Insights' on the toolbar at the bottom of the page, you'll be taken to the page on show in the image below right.

  2. Here, you'll be shown some of your highlights from the last 30 days, including any new 5-star reviews you've received, how much your rating has increased, and any new testimonials you've received.

'Surveys' Tab Menu

The 'Surveys' button using the bottom toolbar will bring show you your list of Reviews surveys.

Selecting one of your surveys will bring show you more information on your survey (bottom middle images), including the amount of survey requests that have been sent for this survey, responses, open rate and completion rate.

Scrolling down will reveal the percentage of respondents that took completed each action listed - in the example below, you can see that 11% of respondents, or 17 total, clicked on the link to Google to leave a review.

'More' Tab Menu

Selecting 'More' will allow you to view any requests that have been sent out, and any requests that are scheduled to be sent out.

Click here if you'd like to learn more about how to send and schedule requests.

If you have any questions about your OneLocal mobile app's LocalReviews dashboard, take a look through some more related help articles linked below. Or, you can always reach out to your Account Manager for more assistance!

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