What is a Contact Business?
The contact business is the business information associated with a contact. Having this information on hand is very helpful when reaching out to your contacts.
You have two options when it comes to creating businesses. The first option allows you to apply the created business to other contacts in your account. The second option only adds the business to a specific contact and cannot be applied to other contacts. This article will go over the first option so you can apply the business to any of your contacts.
If you want the business to only be created for one specific contact, follow along with this article instead: Adding a Business to a Property Contact.
Creating a Contact Business
Step 1:
To create a contact business, hover over your hammer icon and select Filters.
Step 2:
Choose Contact Businesses from the list on the left side and fill in any of the information you have for that contact's business. You have the following options:
Business Name, Address, Unit, City, State, Zip, County, Country, Phone, Ext, Cell Phone, Ext, Email Address, Fax, License Number, and Website.
Step 3:
Once you have filled in the information that you have on hand, click the Create Business button.
Editing a Contact Business
Step 1:
Go back to the Contact Businesses section in your Filters and select the business you need to update from the list on the right side.
Step 2:
Make the necessary changes to the business and scroll to the bottom of the screen. You will see a checkbox with "Update all contacts associated with this business" next to it. Click on this if you want to update everyone associated with this business.
Pro Tip!
We recommend checking the box if you have a lot of contacts associated with that business. This helps so you don't have to manually go back to each contact and update the business associated with them.
Step 3:
Once you're ready, click on Update to save your changes.
Deleting a Contact Business
Step 1:
Choose Contact Businesses from your Filters to see all your current businesses listed on the right side. Find the one you want to delete and click on the trash can icon.
Step 2:
You will be prompted to type in the word DELETE to confirm that this is the correct contact business you want to have deleted. Click Delete.
Deleting a contact business will remove the business from all associated contacts. This action cannot be undone so please be sure you delete the correct one.