The Follow Up Boss integration allows you to sync your Deals with your Open To Close Properties. To use the Deal Sync option, you will need to make sure your Open To Close account is connected through your Follow Up Boss API Key.
If you have not set up your Follow Up Boss API Key in Open To Close, follow along with this article to learn how this is done: How To Connect Follow Up Boss.
API Field Map Templates can also be utilized to speed up the process when populating a Deal. To learn how to create that sync, please see this section of the article.
If you already created your API Field Map template for the Deal Sync, continue reviewing this article to learn how to connect and create Deal Syncs using Open To Close's integration with Follow Up Boss.
Connect a Property to Follow Up Boss Using Deal Sync
Now it's time to add a property from Open To Close to the Deals column in Follow Up Boss.
Go to the property you want to connect to Follow Up Boss and click the Follow Up Boss logo at the top of the page. This will show any of the profiles you connected on the Apps page in Open To Close when setting up the integration.
Next, click on Connect APIs and add the Follow Up Boss API profiles that you need to connect to the property.
You can add as many profiles as you need to have connected to the property you are working on. If you need to connect more, review this article to learn how.
This will open up three sections for you to choose from; Contact Sync, Deal Sync, or FUB Widget. For this, we will focus on the Deal Sync option.
Under Deal Sync, you can choose any of the Follow Up Boss users who are associated with the assigned profiles.
Pro Tip:
If a Deal for the property has already been created in Follow Up Boss, click on Attach Deal in the upper right corner. Search for the Deal in Follow Up Boss and click on Sync Deal for the one you need. This will establish a connection between the values in Open To Close and sync to the Deal within Follow Up Boss allowing you to use Open To Close to update the Deal.
You will have a new set of options with the first being the API Field Map Template. Select the one you just created or a different one if you have others.
Choose one of the Stages you have in FUB such as Buyer Contract, Offer, Pending, etc.
We recommend that the name be the address of the property so it's easy to find. You can also give it a description.
Next are the Projected Close Date, Price, and Commission Value. Fill in all of this information before clicking on Add Deal.
Once you add the Deal, you will see all of the mapped fields from the template you applied to the Deal Sync. At the top, you can choose to refresh the fields or disconnect the sync.
Scrolling to the bottom of the API Deal Mapped Fields will give you the option to assign a Follow Up Boss contact to the Deal as well as a Follow Up Boss user.
If you need to delete the Deal, you can click on the trash icon next to Delete Deal to remove it.
Now that the property is a synced Deal, you can view it in Follow Up Boss.
Very Important:
There is a known bug where, if you update the field value in Open To Close, it will not update it in Follow Up Boss if you have the Deal open. Be sure to close out of the Deal in Follow Up Boss before updating the field value in Open To Close.
If you need to update a field value in Open To Close, find the field in the Details section which is on the left side of the page when you're viewing a property. Make sure you have the field set to display in the Details.
To do this, click on the green drop-down button and select Manage Property Fields. Check the box next to any that you need to see on the Details before closing out of the window.
Find the field and update the value by clicking to the right of the field. It will either currently have a value in it or it will show "not set."
Create a New API Field Map Template
Go to your navigation menu and hover over the hammer icon. Select Templates from the list of options.
You will see a list of templates to choose from with the API Field Map Template option closer to the end of the list. Click on this and then click on the Add New button.
Next, you want to choose Follow Up Boss as the API and Deal Fields for the API Type. Once you have those selected, you will need to choose whose API connection you'll use. After that, give the template a name and click on Create.
Find the template you just created and click Edit next to Options.
Once the template is open, you will see a list of fields with a drop-down choice to the left of the field. Click on this to search through your fields for one that matches the field listed on the right.
For example, if you want the Zip Code to pull through when using this template on a Deal Sync, you would want to match the Zip option with what you have in your account. This might be Zip Code, Postal Code, Zip, etc.
Go through each option that you want to come over when you use this template on a Deal Sync. Your work is saved as you select the different choices, so once you are done, you can close out of the template and go to the property you want to apply the template to.