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Tali - Draw Cheque/Withdrawal for Cash
Tali - Draw Cheque/Withdrawal for Cash

Record cheques you want to cash in Tali

Becky Watson avatar
Written by Becky Watson
Updated over 4 months ago

This is where you record cheques which you want to cash/record that you have used 'The hole in the wall' type of transaction.

Record details of the cheque/cashpoint withdrawal

  1. Select the bank account you want to withdraw the money from.

  2. Enter the cheque/withdrawal value as Amount.

  3. The date defaults to today’s date. Amend the date if required to that on the cheque/withdrawal.

  4. Cheque only - Enter the actual cheque number which is on the cheque by overwriting the automatically generated cheque number.
    Tip: You might need to amend this number if the cheque you are entering is to correct an error on a previous paying-in slip or on a draw cheque for cash transaction. If so, we recommend that you use a cheque number outside your current range, e.g. 00001. Try not to make it a larger number than the one you are using currently.
    Note: If Tali won’t accept your cheque number, this may be because they are duplicated. For information on how to resolve this, see the Article, How do I deal with a duplicated cheque?

  5. Enter any notes that will help you to identify the cheque/withdrawal you are cashing.

  6. Click Draw Cheque.

Correct the value of a cashed cheque/withdrawal

If the amount you cashed was too low:

  • Draw another cheque.
    Tip: Enter a cheque number that is unique but outside your current range, e.g. 00001. Try not to make it a larger number than the one you are using currently.

If the amount you cashed was too high:

  • Pay the excess back into the bank, using Bank & Cash > Pay Income to Bank. For more information, see the Article, Pay Income to Bank.

Cancel a cheque/withdrawal I have drawn for cash

  • Pay the cash back into the bank, using Bank & Cash > Pay Income to Bank. For more information, see the Article, Pay Income to Bank.

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