Important! Each mandatory field is marked with a red asterisk. You won’t be able to move past the current page until you have entered the information in all specified mandatory fields.
Specify the import method for staff and pupil names
Select Sims if you use Sims (or purchased MISapp at the same time as purchasing Tali). Select Other if you use a different MIS e.g.ParentPay. If you select Other, enter the name of the MIS in the box alongside, e.g. Integris, Seemis, etc.
Select Myself if you are the person who will supply us with a names file or who will be installing MISapp at the school. Select Another (Name) if not and enter the other name in the box alongside.
If you are not the person who will supply a names file or install MISapp, enter the email address for the person whose name you have entered in the Another (Name) box. This ensures that we can contact the correct person to get your names imported into Tali and get you up and running.
To save the details, click Save Progress. For information about how to set up an account to save progress, see the Article, The Data Collection Form.
To move to the next page, click Next. For more information, see the Article, Bank Accounts and Cash.