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How do I position my funnel correctly?
How do I position my funnel correctly?

Learn how to create a unique and crystal clear positioning helping you attract the right audience and sell your offer.

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over a week ago

What exactly is positioning in funnel marketing?

Generally speaking, positioning in funnel marketing is a strategic process that involves creating a specific image of the company or product in the minds of the targeted customers.

Example: If you want to recruit a backend engineer using a recruiting funnel, then your funnel should appeal to backend engineers specifically and show great the specific position and the employer are for backend engineers. It should not attract frontend engineers. This would just burn your media budget.

What does it take for a unique and clear positioning?

  • Clear (valuable) need - awareness of the problems of the target group

  • Suitable target group

  • Fun and passion for the topic

  • A suitable, valuable offer for the needs of set target group

The process to your positioning

  1. What is your topic that you are passionate about and can help your audience with?

  2. What is the exact challenge in your topic's niche? How high is the demand for the solution you can offer?

  3. Pick a focus and start getting feedback from your (dream) target audience.

  4. Define your dream customer avatar (ONE person) as precisely as possible. What does this person do for a living?, What are their hobbies?,...).

  5. Create your positioning sentence on this basis.

The biggest misconceptions about positioning

"If I'm positioned too tightly, no one will buy from me."

→ If you're positioned too broadly, you'll get less attention because you're comparable.

"If I focus on a small target group, I deny so many people my help."

→ By not positioning yourself, you will be overlooked by too many people who would very likely love to work with you!

" I need to position myself once and then never again."

→ Positioning is one of the most important processes in business and never stops! Positioning may be constantly revised.

Advantages if you have defined your positioning crystal clear

  • You are seen by your dream customers and can convince them of you, because you can offer them the right solution for their current needs.

  • Everyone is immediately aware of what you offer and for whom you offer it.

  • You will struggle less with customers who are not suitable.

  • You'll be able to build your entire business much more easily and quickly, and take advantage of more opportunities that arise for you because of your clear positioning.

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