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Adding & Editing Points & Making Comments
Adding & Editing Points & Making Comments

Find out more about which users can add and edit points, how to make comments, and using @mentions.

Nicole Howard avatar
Written by Nicole Howard
Updated over a week ago

Admin and Normal Users can add points in a Pinpoint Works work list site. Guest users cannot add or edit points. Please see our guide on Managing Users for more information on the different access levels available in Pinpoint Works.

Adding Points

Add points by clicking the blue ‘New Point’ button above the work list.

By default, Canceled and Completed points are not displayed. They can be seen by clicking the 'Filter button' next to the keyword search box and ticking the boxes for Canceled and/or Completed points. See the Search & Filter article to learn more.

A blank job card opens over the page after clicking the 'new point' button.

  • By default, the Status will be set to ‘Open’ and the Priority will be set to ‘Medium’ unless set otherwise.

  • Description information can be made using rich text (bold, italics, underline, bullet points, numbering) directly in the description box. Any changes will be saved after pressing the Save button in the Description field. Use the @ symbol on your keyboard or click the @ symbol on the rich text menu to @mention a user directly in the Description field. This user will receive an in-app notification when this update is made.

  • Attachments, such as images and documents, can be added by browsing your device or dragging and dropping them into the “Attachments” section. All users can download and save files. Only Admin and Normal Users can delete files and annotate images. Attachments can be renamed using the pencil icon.

  • You can create a point without a location or click on the site plan to activate it and pinpoint a location on the site plan.

  • Use the zoom in/out (+ -) buttons and pan and zoom to navigate to the correct location.

  • Use the pin/area toggle to choose between dropping a pin or selecting an area on the site plan.

  • Drop up to 30 location pins per point. Click to add new pins and click and hold to drag and drop the pins into different locations or drag them to the bin icon at the bottom of the screen to delete.

  • Select a full area by dropping as many pins as needed to designate the shape. Click and hold the shape to drag and drop it into a different area or drag it to the bin icon at the bottom of the screen to delete it.

  • After filling the appropriate fields and adding media files as needed, click the blue ‘Create Point’ button at the bottom of the work list card. (If no location is set, the button will say 'Create point without location'.)

  • Once saved, the new point will be available in the work list table to edit later.

Note: By default all points, including those with and without locations, will appear in the worklist table. Open the filter menu to filter points by location or those without locations attached.

Editing Points

Select a point on the work list table to edit details, add files, and make comments.

  • Scroll through points using the up and down arrow buttons above the point details.

  • Return to the full work list by clicking the ‘x’ button in the top right corner.

  • Click the 3-vertical dot icon to export the selected point to an individual PDF report or Word document.

  • Click the 3-vertical dot icon to delete a point. Only Admin users can delete points. Once a point is deleted all information entered for that point is lost. Please use the ‘Canceled’ or ‘On Hold’ statuses where appropriate.

  • To make changes to Custom Fields, enter the information and click outside the Custom Field box. Changes to custom fields are successfully saved when the green tick button displays next to the changed field. Use the @ symbol on your keyboard for Rich Text custom fields or click the @ symbol on the rich text menu to @mention a user directly. @Mentions made in the Rich Text custom field type will notify this user of the change in the notification panel.

  • Edit the pin location by expanding the point card, then pan and zoom and click on the new location. Multiple pins may also be added, changed or deleted here.

  • Add media files and documents by browsing or dragging/dropping files to the job card in the ‘Attachments’ section. Files can be downloaded and saved. Attachments can be renamed by clicking the pencil icon next to the attachment. A pop-up dialogue box will appear to rename the file.

Note: A 360 camera is needed for adding 360 photos.

Making Comments

Use comments to update users on the status of works using rich text where necessary (bold, italics, underline, bullet points, numbering). Use the @ symbol on your keyboard or click the @ symbol on the rich text menu to @mention a user directly in the Comments. This person will receive an in app notification with this update.

Deselect the 'Press Enter to send' tickbox to format comments into paragraphs. Use the 'Comment' button to submit the comment.

Comments cannot be edited or deleted for transparency and accountability purposes.


Use the @ symbol to mention a colleague directly from anywhere you find the rich text menu:

  • Description field

  • Rich Text field

  • Comments

Click the @ symbol from the rich text menu or type @ on your keyboard and a list of users on the site will appear from which to choose. Once selected, their name will appear highlighted in blue and they will receive an in-app notification (bell icon) on the web app once changes are saved.

Liking Comments

Quickly acknowledge comments from colleagues by liking the comment from the notification panel or the activity feed in the point card. Click the like button again to unlike the comment.

The number of users who have liked the comment will appear next to the icon. Hover on the like icon to see a list of users who have liked the comment.

Subscribe to a Point

In-app Notifications are automatically sent for points you create, are assigned to, or are @mentioned in. These notifications appear by clicking the bell icon on the bottom left side of the page above the user avatar.

Use the subscribe button - the bell icon on the top right of the point card - to receive notifications for all other points. If you’re already subscribed to a point, the icon will appear in blue. Click the icon again to unsubscribe from a point.

'Seen By' Information

When the point card is open, a list of users who have seen the point will appear next to the arrow up and down buttons. Hovering on the avatars will display the users' names and a time that indicates the last time they viewed the point.

Bulk Changes

If you need to make changes to many points at once, use the bulk changes feature. See our article on making bulk changes to points here.

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