Setting up your podcast to earn additional revenue is simple.
1. Sign the Seller's Order Form
2. Update your RSS feed in Apple Podcast Connect and Spotify for Podcasters
3. Approve campaigns to run as recommendations
1) Sign the Seller's Order Form
In order for us to enable the Seller's dashboard for your account, we need to have an agreement in place that defines the revenue share for every recommendation. Reach out to us here and let us know you're interested in selling.
For most podcasters, the revenue share is 50/50.
Once the agreement is in place, you'll have access to the seller's dashboard to review all the campaigns.
2) Update your RSS feed in Apple Podcast Connect and Spotify for Podcasters
The next step is opening up your podcast so that it can have Dynamic Feed Drops. Follow the steps in this article under the Sellers section to update your RSS feed in Apple Podcast Connect and Spotify for Podcasters.
PodRoll Prefix Links Article
You will know that your feed has been properly updated when you see a green dot next to the prefix link on the 'Podcasts' page.
3) Approve campaigns to run as recommendations
After you have access to the seller's dashboard and your podcast is enabled, you can accept and reject all campaigns in your dashboard to start earning revenue.
Note: Earned revenue is paid out after 4 business days of the following month.