After creating or synchronizing a sales order in the PULPO WMS Web App, it will appear on the main screen of the Outgoing orders
option. The complex filter will make it easier for the user to filter the outgoing orders by different characteristics.
The user only needs to click the filter
After that, the user has the following options to filter the outgoing orders:
Filter by order parameters.
The user can filter the orders by Number, Criterium, Channel, and Priority using "Is", "Is not", "Contains" or "Does not contain" operators.
Filter by product charactheristics.
The user can filter the order by the number of different SKUs, by total item quantity, and filter out the orders containing certain SKU(s) and product tag(s).
The filter overview shows the active filter information.
Once the orders are filtered as desired the user can create pickings for these selections. Please go to the Article Create pickings for orders or a group of orders (batch picking) with specific characteristics to find more information.