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Cockpit view

The Cockpit gives an overview of all sales orders and their statuses. It also provides an opportunity to quick filter orders by products

Johann Sonnenberger avatar
Written by Johann Sonnenberger
Updated over 10 months ago

Cockpit view

To open up the Cockpit view user has to click on Cockpit in the sales order view

That will open up the Cockpit view where the user gets a clear overview of how many sales orders are in Paused, Queue, In picking, In packing, In shipping (if activated)

When we go more into detail we will see the products' SKUs, in how many orders they are included and if they are single or multi-SKU orders, as well as orders with single quantities.

The top line of the cockpit contains a filter allowing to filter orders by a certain shipping method.

Below we see four columns:

Orders total: We see how many orders are there in total with that product/SKU inside
Single SKU orders single quantities: This column displays just orders with 1 SKU and 1 quantity
Single SKU orders: These are orders where there is just one SKU but more than 1 quantity
Multi SKU orders: Here are orders which have concluded more than one SKU

Furthermore: If we click on one of those filter icons, the cockpit will close and an automatically filtered sales order view will be shown.

Example: We will see in this case the three single SKU & quantity orders.

After filtering, we can create the picking for these exact three orders by clicking on the pulsating "Create pickings" button.

How to Sort Columns in the Cockpit Sales Order View

Sorting columns in the cockpit sales order view can help you quickly organize and analyze your data. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to sort columns in the "TOP PRODUCTS IN QUEUE" table.

The following columns can be sorted:

  • Orders total

  • Single sku orders Single quantities

  • Single sku orders

  • Multi sku orders

By default, the list is sorted by orders total.

To sort a column, simply click on the column header. This will arrange the data in either ascending or descending order, depending on the data type. For example, numerical data will be sorted from lowest to highest, while alphabetical data will be sorted alphabetically.

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