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Filtering Outgoing Orders with specific characteristics. Saving Outgoing order filters.
Filtering Outgoing Orders with specific characteristics. Saving Outgoing order filters.

Learn how to use the complex filter in the PULPO WMS Web App and save the filters to save your time

Written by Mariana Preciado Arias
Updated over 2 months ago

After creating or synchronizing a sales order in the PULPO WMS Web App, it will appear on the main screen of the Outgoing orders option. The complex filter will make it easier for the user to filter the outgoing orders by different characteristics. Together with the Cockpit view, it provides you with many options to filter out and manage your sales orders easily.

Filtering out sales orders using the side filter panel

To see the filters, you only need to click the filter button.

After that, you have the following options to filter the outgoing orders:

  • Filter by order parameters.

    You can filter the orders by:

    • Number

    • Criterium

    • Channel

    • Priority
      using "Is", "Is not", "Contains" or "Does not contain" operators.

  • Filter by product charactheristics.
    You can filter the orders by:

    • Number of different SKUs

    • Total item quantity

    • SKU(s)

    • Product tag(s)

  • Filter by Ship To address.

    You can filter the orders by

    • ZIP

    • Country

    • Shipping method

The filter overview shows the active filter information.

Filtering out sales orders using the filter panel over the order list

As an alternative, you can use the overhead panel to filter out the sales orders by certain parameters. To do it, just select the required filters from the dropdown. The list of the selected filters will be shown in the overhead panel of the sales order list. The operators are the same as in the main filter panel: "Is", "Is not", "Contains" or "Does not contain".
For instance, the example provided below is a filter for the orders with:

  • The Number of different SKUs is 4

  • The order number contains "106"

  • The Criterium is "urgent"

  • The Source is not "Walmart"

Overview of the filter selected in the overhead bar and all selected values are shown in the Filter panel on the right side of the screen.

Once the orders are filtered as desired the user can create pickings for these selections. Please go to the Article Create pickings for orders or a group of orders (batch picking) with specific characteristics to find more information.

Saving the sales order filters

PULPO WMS allows you to save your sales order filters and share them with other users.
In the example below, the orders containing product "T-Shirt 1" where the source is not "Walmart" are filtered out.

After adding all required parameters, the filter can be named and saved to be applied in the future.

Clicking the "Add/update filter" button saves the filter or updates a selected filter

Clicking the "List filters" button will show you the list of your saved order filters.

After selecting a filter from the list, click the "Apply filter" button to apply it.

You can only apply one saved order filter at a time. If you need more flexibility, try creating more advanced filters with multiple parameters included.

If you change your applied filter, you can decide whether to update it or save the changes as a new filter.

The filters can be deleted by selecting them and clicking "Delete filters".

Sharing the filters with other users

PULPO WMS allows you to share the filters with your colleagues.

To do so, select the filters to share and click the "Transfer filters to other users" button.

In the following dialogue, select user(s) to receive the filters and click "SEND". The filters will appear in their systems after the page refresh.

The date filter is not included in the sales order filters and has to be set separately.

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