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Reason Codes in the Web App

Explain the cause of certain actions

Written by Johannes
Updated over a week ago

These pre-defined codes allow explaining the cause of certain actions in a uniform and consistent manner, in addition to common free notes.

They can be used in:

  • Incoming goods

  • Incoming goods return

  • Purchase orders return

  • Counting tasks

  • Stock corrections

  • Sales order cancellation

Enabling the setting

To activate the Reason Codes go in the Web App to Administration -> Settings

and activate "Enable reason codes"

From then the new option Reason Codes can be found under Administration:

Option functionality

In Administration - Reason Codes are two tabs:

  • Reason Codes: here the specific codes can be generated and managed

  • Settings: here are the global settings for all codes stored, precisely to which processes the codes apply, if additional free notes are allowed, and if they are mandatory to use.

Creating new Reason Codes

To create a new code go to Administration - Reason Codes - Tab REASON CODES

Press the orange + Icon at the bottom right.

The following form will show up:

  1. Give the Reason a distinct name. This name will be shown in the Mobile App

  2. With the Toggle choose if the reason is used internal or given from external (i.e. by the supplier or carrier)
    ❗️ NOTE: for internal reasons the code will be auto generated. For external reasons you have to write the reason code (as shown below).

    This setting can not be changed after saving

  3. set the new reason active (default is Active)

  4. Click CREATE

Example for external reason

Applying the Reasons

Back to the Administration - Reason Codes - Tab REASON CODES, the codes can be applied to the respective process and will be shown in the Mobile App from then on:

Behind each code under the three dot menu, the reason code can be activated/deactivated, or edited (changing the name and activated/deactivated)

Global Settings

In Administration - Reason Codes - Tab SETTINGS can be set:

  • In what processes are reason codes mandatory

  • Are free notes allowed

❗️ NOTE: If a reason code is mandatory, there should be a positive reason code like "all good", so the process can be finished in any case.

For example the booking of incoming goods "without any flaws".

Please find here our Article on how to use Reason Codes in the Mobile App

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