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PR & Comms: Audience Insights: Demographics
PR & Comms: Audience Insights: Demographics

Better understand how you can use demographics within audience insights to learn more about the people contributing to your conversations.

Ashvin Jalabhay avatar
Written by Ashvin Jalabhay
Updated over a week ago

Learning Outcomes

  • You will be able to leverage insights from the demographics subpage that help you better understand more about the audiences contributing to your online conversation.

What is the Demographics subpage?

The demographics page provides valuable insights into the audience behind a conversation.

By analysing the demographics, you can better understand the age, gender, location, and interests of the individuals engaging in the conversation.

This information is crucial for effective communication strategies, as it allows you to tailor your messaging and approach to better resonate with your audience. Including preparing an effective public relations campaign or managing a crisis situation.

Contributor Demographics

The Contributor demographics visual provides a more in-depth analysis of the audience contributing to the conversation you're tracking. This visual can provide valuable insights into; the number of unique authors within the conversation, their gender, and their top interests based on their bio keywords.

πŸ“Š Metric Insights: Unique Authors, Gender, Top Interests

  • Number of unique authors is a key metric that can help you understand the size of the audience that is actively engaging in the conversation. This information can help you assess your topic's level of interest and gauge your messaging's potential impact.

  • Gender split is another key metric that can provide insights into the demographics of your audience. By identifying any significant differences in how each gender is engaging in the conversation, you can adjust your communication strategy to ensure that your message is inclusive and effective.

  • Top interests of the authors, based on their bio keywords, can provide insights into the topics that are most relevant to your audience. By analysing the top interests, you can tailor your messaging to better resonate with your audience's preferences and interests.

Top Locations & Languages

The "Top Locations and Languages" visual provides detailed information on the origin of your conversation.

This data can provide valuable insights into the locations and languages to prioritise when developing your communication strategies. By analysing this information, you can identify the locations where messaging resonates the most and focus efforts accordingly.

You can also use these insights to tailor your communication strategy to include the most prevalent languages among their audience, ensuring your message is clear and effective.

πŸ“ˆ Example: The above visual shows that the US is the dominant location for online conversations, followed by the UK.

πŸ’‘ Top Tips:

  • Filter top location charts from Countries to Cities for greater insights into the location of your audience.

  • The data shown on the Top location and languages charts are dynamic, meaning you can edit the data shown and remove individual data points.

Most Used Keywords in Bios

The Treemap visualisation provides insight into the most frequently used keywords within the bios of your contributors. By analysing this data, you can better understand your audience, as their bios are your audience's opportunity to identify what is important to them and how they want to be perceived.

πŸ“Š Metric Insight: The tile size within the treemap corresponds to the prevalence of a particular bio keyword. Larger tiles indicate more frequent usage.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: Easily view posts from contributors who have included a specific keyword in their bio by clicking on the corresponding tile within the treemap.

Top Bio Keywords Segments

The Top Bio Keyword Segments visual looks at the top clusters (groups) of authors in your dataset based on the keywords in their bios. Use this visual to identify the main groups of people involved in the conversation and gain insights into their interests and what's important to them.

πŸ“ˆ Example: In the "Bio Keywords Segments" chart above, you can see that the purple cluster contains bio keywords such as married, mom, retired, old.

As this chart is clustering keywords commonly mentioned within the same bios, this suggests that women around retirement age are one of the significant audiences discussing this topic.

Bio Keywords Grouped by Gender

The treemap visualisation provides a breakdown of the top bio keywords based on gender. Allowing you to analyse the language that male and female contributors use in their bios provides valuable insights into your audience's characteristics and interests based on their gender.

By examining the top bio keywords for each gender, you can tailor your communication strategy to better resonate with your audience's male and female members.

πŸ“ˆ Example: Below, you can see that the top keywords for women are writer and artist, meaning you can incorporate these topics into your messaging to increase engagement among female audience members.

Similarly, the top keywords for men are related to fashion and feminist, so you can tailor your messaging to better align with their interests.

Bio Keywords Grouped by Location

The location-based treemap breaks down the most frequently used bio keywords based on the location of the contributors.

By analysing the keywords that are most commonly used in bios within each location, you can gain valuable insights into the interests and characteristics of your audience in different geographic areas.

Allowing you to tailor messaging, campaigns, or content in specific regions to ensure it is effective and resonates with the key interests of audiences in that location.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: Tiles on this visual are interactive. Select a bio keyword displayed on this visual to apply a filter to your dataset and view the data through the lens of authors from that location with that keyword in their bio.

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