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TRAC: Filtering by Demographics

Learn more about the Demographics section of the TRAC filter.

Updated over 3 months ago

Learning Outcomes

  • Utilise the Demographics section of the filter effectively to analyse online dialogues.

The Demographics section of the filter allows you to delve more thoroughly into comprehending specific segments of the audiences engaged in discussions around the online dialogues you're analysing.

Let's delve into this in a bit more detail below:


Gender allows you to filter content based on whether the author is Male, Female, or Unknown.


You can use the Bio section to filter the content within your search based on particular bio keywords.

πŸ“ˆ Example: You can see above that we are looking for users who have indicators that they are mothers within their bios. If you wanted to expand on this further, you could add many more OR terms.

mum OR mother OR mom OR mommy OR madre


If you want to concentrate your analysis on specific areas at the city level, you can do so by utilising the Cities section of the filter.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: You can use the + button in order to either include or exclude content from a particular city, country or language.

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You can use this to focus on particular countries. This is particularly useful if there are specific markets that you want to hone in on within a broader search.


Use this to target specific languages within your searches.

πŸ’‘ Top Tip: For Countries and Languages you can switch between the AND/OR operators depending on whether or not you want to combine or separate them.

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