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Profile - Content

Discover how a profile's content is performing with your audience!

Ashvin Jalabhay avatar
Written by Ashvin Jalabhay
Updated over a week ago

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the insights that can be found in a Profile's Content section

What is the Content section?

A Profile's Content section gives you a look into how the Profile's content is performing and how its performance is changing over time.

Key Performance Figures

The Key Performance Figures in the Content section give you a high-level view of the most important metrics of your Profile's content. You'll be able to see the number of New Posts published by the Profile as well as metrics around the Impressions and Engagements generated by that content.

Content Performance

The Content Performance graph shows you the change in engagements, visibility, or impressions a Profile has generated during the selected time range. You'll also be able to view the change in engagement rate.

🚨Important: Engagements differ based on the social channel, so make sure to check out the CORE Glossary for more details!

This graph also lets you compare the content's performance against the Industry Average or up to 5 other Profiles in the Brandset.

Best Performing Posts

The Best Performing Posts visual highlights the top content published during the specified time range. You'll be able to sort this based on engagements, visibility, impressions, or engagement rate.

You can also compare the best performing content with that of any other Profile within the Brandset.

Worst Performing Posts

The Worst Performing Posts visual highlights content that generated the fewest engagements, visibility, impressions, or engagement rate.

You'll also be able to compare the worst performing posts to any other Profile in the Brandset.


The Tags treemap compares the tags you've created and applied to the Profile's content and displays the top tags based on engagements, visibility, impressions, or engagement rate.

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