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Collection Sort

Organize how your collections are managed

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the number of products in your collection while trying to organize them? Perhaps you would prefer to view only your most recent products or receive prompt notifications when a specific product runs out of stock.

To help you out of these headaches, we have compiled a list of useful "tips and tricks" to apply to your products. By utilizing the following filters and functions to automatically sort them, you can focus more on your store and efficiently organize your products.

Arranging Collections

If you are looking at how to arrange your collections automatically, follow these steps:

1. Click Collection Sort and select Collection Detail.

2. Click the Sort Type drop-down and select an option from the list.

You can also use the search box to find the right sort type to apply.

3. Once done, click Save.

4. To immediately sort your collection, click Sort Now.

The Sort Type filter instantly sorts your collections at the same time. You will have a real-time sorted view of your collection once you click this button.

That's it! No need to manually move your products to your Shopify store. With this feature, you'll save time and focus more on your store.

Note: Ouiteo will change the Sort Type in Shopify Admin to Manual to sort products correctly according to your settings.

Auto Sort Collections by Scheduling Updates

You can set the update frequency of your collections using the Update filter. This filter will automatically sort your collections based on the frequency you choose. It's highly flexible, allowing you to schedule updates as often as hourly or on a specific day of the week.

To auto sort your collection, follow these steps:

1. Click Collection Sort and select Collection Detail.

2. Toggle the "Auto Sort" option to automatically sort the collection at scheduled intervals. Enabling this option will activate the "Update" settings.

Note: When the Auto Sort option is turned OFF for a collection, "Update" and related settings are disabled.

3. Click on the Update drop-down menu and choose the schedule option from the list.

You can also use the search box to find the update that you want to set.

4. Once done, click Save.

5. To immediately sort your collection, click Sort Now.

And you're done! You will now have a regularly updated collection with the latest product listing based on your chosen update option.

If you have additional questions, you can say hello with our live chat or reach us through email at

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