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Release Notes: February 2024
Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over a year ago

2024 Calendar Updates

As a Pyn Admin you now have the power to quickly plan out holiday and observance messages to your employees. We've added pre built-campaigns to include the following countries: Canada, China, France, India, Israel, and Japan.

Token Preview

See what active tokens will look like as an employee via Preview. Select the name of an employee from the dropdown list to see what information in the tokens will be applied.

Custom Group Updates

Two new features have been added to the custom groups. You can now:

  • Delete a custom group

  • Bulk remove employees from a custom group.

These two actions give you more control over static lists of employees.

Add multiple emails to the CC in an automation message

Include other stakeholders that are relevant in the Employee journey by creating an Alternative Email Recipient then adding that email address as a CC recipient.

Routing to personal email

When automating messages during moments like Off-boarding or while an employee is out on extended leave, you may want to specify that a message is sent to their personal email address instead of their work email address.

When sending to Will Be Joining or Pre-Onboarding employees the email used will always be the new hire's personal email.

Bounced Emails

When delivering messages via email, Pyn will indicate when one or more messages could not be delivered due to an email bounce. Bounces are displayed at the individual message level for emails sent to one or more recipients.

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