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Account page: manage your partners
Set up the overview where your accounts and plans are linked
Mention users in comments using @How to mention others & reply to these mentions using Qollabi or simply your mail
Assign persons as responsible for an Objective or Sub(activity)How to assign people who are responsible for an OKR. Important: you can only use this feature if it is turned on by your admin!
How to upload and share attachments with your partnersDisclaimer: You can only use this feature if you share plans with your partners! If you don't have this feature, you can ignore this article
Creating a Shared Space in Qollabi
How to use Quick actions?How to create, edit, or link a quick action?
Create reporting periods and switch between them
Adding custom activities and sub-activitiesPersonalize your partner plan by adding custom activities and sub-activities
(Un)Muting plans, objectives and (sub)activitiesHow to mute and unmute objectives, activities or sub-activities?ns
Add and edit an individual planMake a plan for one account only with individual objectives and activities