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How to Obtain a CDA?

Learn what steps to take in order to generate and receive your CDA

Updated over 12 months ago

In order to obtain a Commission Disbursement Authorization (CDA) to send to the title or closing company, you must have your SkySlope file completed with accurate and compliant information and documents.

Set Up Your Skyslope File

  • Please be sure your SkySlope file is uploaded within 48 hours of acceptance.

  • Complete the 'Contacts' tab in your SkySlope file. Please be sure to provide complete and accurate escrow information.

  • Complete the 'Commission' tab in your SkySlope file. Please be sure to include the following info:

  • Gross Commission % or flat fee amount

  • TC information (Name, Fee Amount, and Address)

  • Any credits or debits to be applied to the gross commission and/or splits

  • Team splits and breakdown (if applicable)

  • Please specify where the TC fee and Broker fees should be deducted from. If not being deducted from the gross commission - who is responsible for paying - agent or team lead

Please allow a 48 hour turnaround time (excluding weekends & holidays)

for audits, CDA approvals and CDA revisions.

Complete Your SkySlope File

  • Upload all documentation and attach to the transaction checklist.

  • During the audit, Your Radius auditor will adjust your checklist as necessary.

  • Please note, all document seats labeled 'Required' will require the applicable form to be provided there.

  • Please feel free to use the comments sections associated with the document seats to correspond with your auditor in regards to specific forms. Your auditor will leave notes for you as well if needed.

CDA Approval

  • Once the majority of your file has been uploaded and approved by your auditor, your file will be approved for a Commission Demand/Authorization.

  • You will receive an email from your auditor reminding you to make any last updates to the 'Commission' tab in your SkySlope file before the CDA is generated.

  • You will receive a copy of your CDA via DocuSign to approve. Once signed, a copy will be automatically sent to the escrow officer noted in the 'Contacts' section.

  • If you are on a team, your team lead will also receive the CDA to view and approve.

  • If you are an independent agent, your managing broker will receive a copy of the CDA to view and approve.

Closing Out Your File

Once recording has taken place and your transaction has been confirmed closed, please be sure to upload the Final Closing Documents and any other pending documentation to your file, so your auditor may close out your file in SlySlope as well as your Radius Dashboard.

Once your SkySlope file is completely closed out the status will be updated to "Closed" and your file will be archived.

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