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Royalty Payouts
How soon will I receive a royalty payment in my bank account?
How soon will I receive a royalty payment in my bank account?
Goms avatar
Written by Goms
Updated over a week ago

Typically, after you make a payout from your account, you will receive the funds in 1 to 2 business days. This can vary depending on your local bank and how their systems work.

In some countries and for some banks, transfers may take to 5 business days while others can process your payout the same day.

The time of day when you make the payout can also affect the speed of processing since banks have cut-off times after which transactions are processed on the next business day.

If you still haven't received your royalty deposit more than 5 business days after you made the payout, please reach out to Record Union customer support so we can help.

While bank payouts are available to all countries and territories, Chile, China, the Dominican Republic, India, Pakistan and the Ukraine's currencies are not yet supported. We're working on adding them to the list of currencies supported by bank payouts.

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