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Royalty Payouts
Are there any fees for depositing royalties into my bank account?
Are there any fees for depositing royalties into my bank account?
Goms avatar
Written by Goms
Updated over a week ago

There are some fees associated with processing royalty payouts and directly depositing them into bank accounts.

For payouts in US dollars (USD) in countries where USD is the local currency

  • Minimum $1 and maximum $15, depending on the size of the payout

For payouts in US dollars (USD) in countries where USD is not the local currency

  • $25 per payout

For payouts in all other supported currencies

  • Minimum $1 (or local currency equivalent) per payout and subject to applicable FX rates

Bank payouts are available to all countries and territories. However, Chile, China, the Dominican Republic, India, Pakistan and the Ukraine's currencies are not yet supported. We're working on adding them to the list of currencies supported by bank payouts.

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