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Royalty Payouts
Can I have multiple royalty payout recipients?
Can I have multiple royalty payout recipients?
Goms avatar
Written by Goms
Updated this week

Yes, you can add multiple payout recipients.

A recipient consists of two things:

1. Beneficiary information: details about the recipient (private individual or company) that is receiving the money

2. Bank account information

If you add multiple recipients to your Record Union account, you can choose which recipient will receive the full royalty payment when you make a payout.

Please note:

  • Payouts need to be done in full to only one recipient.

  • The same bank account information cannot be used for two different recipients.

  • The same bank account information cannot be used on multiple Record Union user accounts.

If you need to use the same bank account information on multiple Record Union accounts, please contact our customer support.

While bank payouts are available to all countries and territories, Chile, China, the Dominican Republic, India, Pakistan and the Ukraine's currencies are not yet supported. We're working on adding them to the list of currencies supported by bank payouts.

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