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Royalty Payouts
I didn't receive a royalty payout in my bank account. What should I do?
I didn't receive a royalty payout in my bank account. What should I do?
Goms avatar
Written by Goms
Updated over a week ago

First, check to see if the royalty balance in your Record Union account is currently zero.

If your Record Union balance is zero

This indicates that the payment was sent. You should be able to see your recent payout listed in the transaction history section of your royalty balance page.

If the recent payout is listed in your Record Union transaction history but after 5 business days you have not received the funds in your bank account, please contact our support team and we can look into it for you.

If there is money in your Record Union balance

This means the payout was not successfully triggered. Start a new payout to transfer the money from your Record Union balance to your bank account.

If you're having trouble or if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

While bank payouts are available to all countries and territories, Chile, China, the Dominican Republic, India, Pakistan and the Ukraine's currencies are not yet supported. We're working on adding them to the list of currencies supported by bank payouts.

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