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Owner Records Overview

How to utilize the Owner Records page

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over a week ago

The Owner Records page allows you to view, manage, and market to records by owner. You can easily see who owns multiple properties in your account, filter by the number of properties owned, and view and manage owners who own zero properties in your account.

Accessing the Owner Records Page

To access the Owner Records page, select Records on the left side bar of your account, and the Owner Records tab.

Owner Records Tabs

You can view owner records by All, Incomplete, Person, Company, or Trust.

All will display all owner records combined. Incomplete will show owner records that are missing the first or last name or any part of the mailing address.

You can also view owner records by type by selecting Person, Company, or Trust.

Sorting by Number of Properties Owned

On the far right of the Owner Records page, you can view the number of properties owned by each owner.

The number of properties owned can be sorted by ascending or descending order.
To sort by ascending, click Properties.

Adding a New Owner

Owners can be added manually from the Owner Records page, or on upload.

To add a new owner manually, select Add new owner towards the top right of the Owner Records page.

Next, enter in the Owner Details and the Owner address. Then select Create Owner.

Need to add property address? Add the record from the Property Records page to create records with owner and property information.

Filtering Owner Records

To filter owner records, select Filter Records towards the top right of the Owner Records page.

Next, click Add new filter block and select the option you want to filter by.

Our owner filter options are:

  • Phone Status

  • Property Count

  • Phone Count

  • Email Count

  • Last Updated Date

  • Direct Mail Attempts

  • RVM Attempts

  • SMS Attempts

  • Call Attempts

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