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Smarter Contact Integration

Setting up Smarter Contact Integration

Dianna avatar
Written by Dianna
Updated this week

The REISift + Smarter Contact integration allows you to send records from your REISift account to Smarter Contact (Professional and Business Plans). With our Business Plan, you can also receive information back, updating the records in REISift in real time as you disposition them in Smarter Contact.

Installing Outbound Integration

To set up the outbound integration, navigate to the Settings -> Integrations section of your REISift account, and select Smarter Contact.

Next, select Connect with Smarter Contact. You may be prompted to log into your Smarter Contact account if you are not logged in already.

Once you click to connect, you're all set to start sending records.

Sending Records

To send records through the integration, filter and select the records you want to send from the Records page and select Send to -> Integrations

Next, select Smarter Contact. The option under phone types, phone statuses, and phone tags determine which phone numbers are send. For example the options below would send only phone numbers that are listed as mobile phone type and have no phone status in your REISift account.

Enter the List Name, this will be the name of the list that appears in your Contacts in Smarter Contact, then select Next.

We will add auto-tags based on where and when the records are being sent. You can also add any custom tags, for example the name of the campaign or a tag for the SMS attempt.

Next, review the options you've selected and click Send Contacts.

You can track the progress of your transfer from the Activity -> Predictive Dialer section of your account.

Once the transfer is complete you should see the records under the Contacts section of your Smarter Contact account.

     When we send records through the integration, we send one contact per phone number, for example, if there are 2 numbers being sent, the contact will appear twice. This is so you can disposition by each phone number.

Verifying the List in Smarter Contact

To verify the list, you will need to update the Headers in Smarter Contact. Select the drop down menu next to each Heading option, and select the correct label the header corresponds with. Once all headers have been labeled, click apply to verify.

Installing the Inbound Integration

The Smarter Contact Inbound Integration allows you to receive data back from Smarter Contact to update your records in real time. This integration is available on our Business Plan only.

To setup the inbound integration, copy the REISift API Key located within the Settings -> Integrations -> Smarter Contact section of your account.

Next, log in to your Smarter Contact account and select Settings -> API. Click the pencil icon on the REISift integration.

Paste the REISift API Key under API Key and click Connect (you can go back in and add the labels after they are created).

Creating the Labels

Labels are used to send data from Smarter Contact back to REISift. These are customizable and can be set to send property status, phone status, or phone tag.

To create the labels, go to Settings and toggle Edit Label Settings on.

Next, enter the names of the labels you want to create and click Add.

​     Labels can update custom property statuses. To update a custom status, create the custom status in your REISift account first.

Recommended Labels:

  • New Lead

  • Not Interested

  • Property Listed

  • Property Sold

  • Follow Up Later

  • New Buyer

  • Correct Number

  • Wrong Number

  • DNC Correct

  • DNC Wrong

  • DNC Unknown

  • Relative

  • Wife

  • Husband

  • Spanish Speaking

Adding Labels to the REISift Integration

Once the labels are created, navigate back to Settings -> API and click the pencil icon next to the REISift integration.

Property Status Labels

Property Status labels are the labels you will be using to update Property Status in REISift. Property statuses are customizable in REISift. When updating a custom property status, you will need to create it in your REISift account first. For more on creating custom statuses, please see Custom Statuses Overview

Under Select Labels you want to push to REISift as Property Status, click Add more connections and begin adding the property status labels.

The label name on the left is the label you created in Smarter Contact, the name on the right is the property status it will update in REISift. Default statuses are listed in the drop down menu. To update a custom status, type the name of the status and select create.

Recommended property status labels:

  • New Lead - New Lead custom property status

  • Not Interested - Not Interested property status

  • Property Listed - Listed property status

  • Property Sold - Sold property status

  • Follow Up Later - Follow up property status

  • New Buyer - New Buyer custom property status

Phone Status Labels

Phone Status Labels are labels you want to update Phone Status in REISift. Phone Status is not customizable.

Select Add more connections and begin adding the phone status labels.

Recommended phone status labels:

  • Correct Number - Correct

  • Wrong Number - Wrong

  • DNC Correct - Correct Number DNC

  • DNC Wrong - Wrong Number DNC

  • DNC Unknown - Unknown Owner DNC

Phone Tag Labels

Phone Tag Labels are labels you want to update Phone Tags in REISift. Phone Tags are customizable.

Select Add more connections and begin adding the phone tag labels.

​Recommended phone tag labels:

  • Relative

  • Wife

  • Husband

  • Spanish Speaking

Testing the Inbound Integrations

From within a contact, click Info and select the labels you want to send. Next, click the Export to CRM icon located towards the top right of the page, and select REISift.

Once the information is successfully sent, you'll see a message located towards the top right of the page stating Exported to REISift.


     It may take a moment for the confirmation to appear especially if it is the first one being sent.

You can test the integration by searching for the record in REISift and viewing the Activity log.

To access the Activity log, open the record from the Records page, scroll down below the map and select Activity Log.

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