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Create bundled pricing for Treatments
Create bundled pricing for Treatments
Updated over a year ago

Encourage your patients to buy larger quantities at once by providing bundled pricing.

What is bundle pricing in regards to my Treatments?

Bundled pricing is when a practice will offer a specific quantity of services for a lower price than it would cost to purchase those items separately.

1. Log into your Admin Dashboard

2. Click on the ‘App Builder’ tab on the left-side of your screen

3. Select the ‘Treatments’ tab on the top-center of your screen

4. Click the*green lightning bolt button or ‘Quick Actions’ menu on the upper right-hand side of your screen

5. Select ‘Add Treatment

6. Fill Out the Treatment Name
7. Select applicable locations

  • All Locations’ or only check the select locations where the Treatment is available

8. Select unit type (*type of treatment; ex: neurotoxin = unit, body contouring = session, Filler = syringe, etc.)

9. Follow the next two videos and steps depending on the type of Treatment you are creating:

Creating bundled pricing for a Treatment variation

  1. Click '+ Add Treatment variation

  2. Fill out all necessary variation information

  3. Click 'In bundles' to set up the treatment to be sold in a designated number of quantities.

  4. Type in the quantity and the price- you can also discount higher quantities to incentivize your patients to purchase more at one time.

  5. If you don't fill out all 3 boxes, click the trash can next to them before moving on to the next Treatment variation.

  6. Once you've created each variation, click 'Save treatment variations' in the bottom right of your screen.

Create bundled pricing for a basic Treatment

  1. Click 'Set up treatment pricing'

  2. Click 'In bundles' to set up the treatment to be sold in a designated number of quantities.

  3. Type in the quantity and the price- you can also discount higher quantities to incentivize your patients to purchase more at one time.

  4. If you don't fill out all 3 boxes, click the trash can next to them before clicking 'Save treatment pricing' on the bottom right of your screen.

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