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How To Set Up Charlie AI
Travis McCann avatar
Written by Travis McCann
Updated over a month ago

Ready to set up Charlie, who will have your back and assist your patients while you are out of the office? Here are the steps you need to follow to get Charlie fully set up:

  1. Hover over your photo in the bottom left hand corner and click the drop-down arrow

  2. Then click on settings

  3. Select AI agent on the bar

  4. First select the voice for Charlie, you can click on the play button to hear a sample of what each voice will sound like.

  5. Next you can change the name of Charlie, to another name of your choice if you would like. You will also select the features that you would like Charlie to be able to handle for you. Click each toggle so you see a blue check mark, if you would like Charlie to confirm appointments, schedule appointments, and reschedule appointments.

  6. Now select the appointment types that you will allow Charlie to schedule. The appointment types are directly pulled from your appointment types in Aloha. You will want to make sure the appointment name is easy for an AI to pronounce. You can update the display name for an appointment by going to: Scheduling > Settings > Set appointment type schedules > Click on the appointment > Change display name > Click save.

  7. Now Click on recognitions on the top tool bar

  8. Here is where you can type of what you want Charlie to say when they answer a call, as well as end a call.

  9. Last item to set up, is the knowledge base, here you can enter in items like what services your office offers. That way if a new patient calls in, and they ask what services you offer Charlie then can let them know.

  10. Very last step is to click save changes, so you don't lose all your hard work you just did.

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