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How to create a Funnel Breakdown Report?
How to create a Funnel Breakdown Report?
Atharva Joshi avatar
Written by Atharva Joshi
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Funnel Breakdown Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a detailed Funnel Breakdown Report on our platform enables you to dissect your sales and marketing activities within a specific funnel based on custom categories or filters you set.

This report is particularly useful for calculating the ROI of your campaigns and understanding which sources generate the most pipelines. As such, it allows for more targeted efforts.

Before proceeding, ensure that Funnel Mapping for your integrated channels is complete and that you have created the necessary Funnel Groups.

Follow this guide to create your Funnel Breakdown Report:


  • Funnel Mapping: Complete Funnel Mapping for your integrated channels.

  • Funnel Groups Creation: Ensure Funnel Groups are created for an accurate report population.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access Reports

  • Navigate to the Reports section and select Edit Report.

Step 2: Add Widget

  • Click Add Your Widget.

Step 3: Create Custom Widget

  • Choose Create Custom Widget.

Step 4: Widget Configuration

  • Name your widget appropriately.

Step 5: Select Widget Type

  • Under Widget Type, pick Funnel Breakdown Chart.

Step 6: Report Description

  • Provide a description for your Funnel Report to outline its objectives.

Step 7: Time Range Specification

  • Set the time range for the data population.

Step 8: Funnel Group Selection

  • Identify the Funnel Groups to include in your Funnel Breakdown Report.

Step 9: Sub Category Creation/Filter Addition

  • Add the Category/Filter for funnel breakdown analysis.

Step 10: Channel Selection

  • Select the channels for data population.

Step 11: Object Selection

  • Choose the specific Object within the channel for data collection.

Step 12: KPI Configuration

  • Select the KPI to establish funnel conditions.

Step 13: Condition Setup

  • Add operators and a condition for the KPI to populate the funnel.

Step 14: Preview Your Report

  • Obtain a preview of your breakdown report.

Step 15: Multiple Categories

  • Incorporate multiple categories for comprehensive funnel breakdown data.

Step 16: Multiple Conditions

  • Apply multiple conditions within the categories for detailed analysis.

    Step 17: Group By

    Click the Add Group icon to add categories and their objects to an appropriate metric. The selected metrics will have common values from the chosen metrics.

    • Common values: Common values will populate based on the Object and the corresponding Column to populate the metrics. If there are no common values, the system will send out a message with a mention of no common values. Also, provide a display name for the grouping the user is performing.

    • This grouping of the channel and its object can be categorized under one of the 'Categories' from the previous field. Users can add as many fields to a group as they like under a category.

    • Users can delete any row by clicking the delete icon. Click Add More to add new conditions to the group.

  • Click Save to save these groups to the category.

Step 17: Save as Template

  • Option to save your configuration as a template for future reference.

Step 18: Widget Creation

  • Click Create Widget to finalize your funnel breakdown chart.

Step 19: Report Management

  • Manage your report with options to Download, Edit, Duplicate, Convert to a task, View funnels, and Delete as necessary.

By following these steps, you can effectively create a Funnel Breakdown Report that offers insightful analysis of your marketing and sales efforts, segmented by various categories or filters.

This tool is invaluable for understanding the effectiveness of different campaigns and optimizing your strategies for better targeting and ROI.

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