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LivePHA™ Recommendation Completion Feature
LivePHA™ Recommendation Completion Feature

Quickly turn your PHA action items into safeguards and keep your PHA up-to-date!

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago


Would you find it helpful if completed HAZOP Recommendations are immediately reflected in the original HAZOP document? Is it a tedious and time-consuming task to update the completed Recommendations in your PHA document?

The LivePHA® Recommendation Completion feature allows users to easily update the original PHA document with completed Recommendations, and provides intuitive methods to track all past completions.

Navigating to the Feature

Once your team has implemented a Recommendation and is ready to mark it off, head over to LivePHA's Unique Recommendation Page from the left-side banner.

Figure 1. Unique Recommendation Page as seen on the left-side banner

Within LivePHA, Recommendations default to the "Unset" state. Locate the the "Unset" button next to the Recommendation number and select "Complete" from the drop down.

Figure 2. Recommendation state change dropdown

The pop-up modal window contains several information fields and input fields. The current workflow allows for the completion of likelihood-changing Recommendations or severity-changing Recommendations. Depending on which type of Recommendation you are working with, the pop-up modal will look slightly different.

Completing a Likelihood-Changing Recommendation

Figure 3. Likelihood-changing Recommendation completion modal with labels

A - Recommendation information area contains the following details:

  • Recommendation text

  • Recommendation Category

  • Recommendation Classification

  • Severity Credit

  • Likelihood Credit

  • Assigned or responsible individual

  • Number of scenarios this Recommendation appears on

B - This is where you can change the status of the Recommendation from Unset to Completed. Currently these are the two Recommendation states. If you would like the option of other states, please reach out to our Customer Success team!

C - This is the area where you can document the new layers of protection that have been put in place as a result of the PHA recommendation. These layers of protection will be added to the PHA in the same scenarios as the Recommendation. For example, if your Recommendation is on 2 scenarios, and The resulting Safeguard will only be added to these scenarios with tracking markers to indicate they are the results of the Recommendation. The system will also give a prompt warning if the added Safeguard Category overlaps with any existing Safeguards on these two scenarios. The Safeguard information you can dictate are:

  • Safeguard text

  • Safeguard Category

  • Safeguard Classification

  • Credit

D - Checkbox that if checked, will only apply resulting Safeguard credits on the scenarios where the Recommendation had a non-zero credit

E - Click the "Add Another Safeguard" button if you wish to add more resulting layers of protection. There is no limit to how many Safeguards you can add.

F - "Save and Apply" button will implement all changes resulting from completing the Recommendation. This button will make all necessary changes in the PHA data, and these changes cannot be undone. So be very sure before clicking it! If you have vital changes that you would like to undo, please reach out to our Customer Success team.

G - Turn on this toggle (blue when turned on) if the completion of this Recommendation removes or eliminates the scenario entirely. For example, if the Recommendation is to remove deadlegs on a deadleg focused scenario. This will change the available input fields in this pop-up window.

Completing a Severity-Changing Recommendation

Figure 4. Severity-changing Recommendation completion modal with labels

I - When completing a severity-changing Recommendation, the pop-up window will change to contain only one input field: Notes for Scenario Eliminating Recommendation. Continuing from the previous example, if your Recommendation is on two scenarios, and, then this note will be added as a marker to the Consequence of these two scenarios. The Severity, Likelihood and Risk Ranking will be removed from these two scenarios, and safeguards on these scenarios will be assigned to 0 credits. Essentially, as the Recommendation removes the risk, the related scenario will also be removed from the PHA.

Completing an Inconsistently Credited Recommendation

If you attempt to change the status of a Recommendation that applies different credits, then an error message will pop up. It will inform you of the crediting inconsistency and where to find them in the PHA Worksheet. The inconsistencies must be fixed before you can complete this Recommendation.

Figure 5. Inconsistent Credit Recommendation Error Message

Tracking Completed Recommendations

Figure 6. Resulting Safeguard with icon

The resulting Safeguards will have a teal thumbs up icon next to it in the Tree View and Grid View. Clicking on the icon will bring up the original Recommendation which resulted in this Safeguard.

Note: The Safeguard sequence number will be blank until the "Automatic Sequence Numbering" automation tool is turned on in Settings.

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