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Where can I find certain information in RFH Insights?

Martien Röling avatar
Written by Martien Röling
Updated over 2 months ago

Where can I find the daily prices of all auctioned products?

In RFH Insights you can find the daily prices in 'Market View'. You can choose between the prices of the current day or over a period that you can set yourself.

To see prices, you must select one or more product groups or products. The graph shows the total of a product group and the most important types.

The table below shows a list of products that belong to a selected group. You can see the prices total and per location.

The numbers for a group or product are only shown if there are at least 3 different suppliers, and the largest supplier does not have a market share of more than 50%. This is to prevent the turnover of growers of exclusive types from being traceable via RFH Insights. The average price of clock transactions is always shown. If you click on a product name, a breakdown is made by main characteristic, to get an even more detailed overview.

Via the user settings of RFH Insights, accessible by clicking on your name at the top right, you can completely customize the market view for you, by determining how many products are shown per group and whether you want to make a breakdown by main characteristic or all characteristics used.

Additional filters can also be created via the filter, for example by country of origin, product color or barrel code.

Where can I find my weekly totals for this year and the past 2 years?

In Insights you can create your own report for this. To do this, select a new report under 'Statistics' via the Plus button.

Then select a weekly turnover report. The period will automatically be selected as the past 2 years up to and including now, and you will see the turnover per week and cumulatively, with a % growth. If the turnover or growth is lower compared to a previous year, this will be shown in red.

Via the user settings (accessible by clicking on your username at the top right), you can set the graph to show your turnover per week or cumulatively.

By adding an extra filter, you can also create a total report for a selection of your turnover, for example for a specific sales method, location or product group.

Where are my direct orders?

In the RFH Insights Dashboard, direct orders can be found in a separate block.

Via the user settings (accessible by clicking on your name at the top right), you can set the date on which direct orders should be shown. This setting applies to every place where direct turnover is also shown in Insights.

This can be done by order date, delivery date or expected invoice date.

Where can I find a quick overview of my revenue?

In the RFH Insights dashboard, you can see the total revenue, the average price per location and a table with all your clock lots and your direct orders.

By clicking on a column, you can sort the table; you can also quickly search here using the magnifying glass.

Via settings, you can determine which extra columns you want to show in this overview, such as the letter number or the clock pre-sale price.

In the dashboard you can add extra overviews yourself via the orange plus button at the bottom right. You can adjust the next of the displayed blocks with the navigation buttons. You can hide a block with the '-' button.

Where can I find the average prices of all branches in the market view?

If you have a wide screen, the columns for all locations are visible in the market view, including RheinMaas and Eelde.

If you do not see all columns by default, it is also possible to zoom out your browser a bit, for example to 90 or 80%, then more columns will appear.

If you only want to see the price of 1 or 2 locations, you can also set only these locations in the filter.

The average total is then the average of the same locationss as the one set in the filter.

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