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Dynamics 365 Sales

Learn how to prepare your Microsoft Azure and Power-Portal Admin for Salesbuildr

Updated over 7 months ago

The steps below will guide you through the steps need to enable Salesbuildr to talk to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. This will enable Salesbuildr to be able to read and update the following entities and fields.

How does the integration between Salesbuildr and Dynamics 365 Sales work?

Here's how Salesbuildr integrates with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Business Central:


Salesbuildr is a tool that integrates with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. It is used for managing and building quotes. The tables below display what fields are updated per entity.


Salesbuildr will read your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales every 10 minutes to pull in the entities and values from the fields below.

Products and Services


You can use the Dynamics 365 Sales Subjects to create a Category and Subcategory hierarchy for products and services. Salesbuildr will search for subjects and enable you to map these to categories in Salesbuildr

Unit Groups, Units, Price Lists and Product types

Dynamics 365 Sales does not have seperate entities for products and services, so Salesbuildr enables you to configure how you send (non recurring) products and (recurring) services to Dynamics.

Default Price list

Dynamics requires you to select a pricelist when you create a quote. Because Salesbuildr is used to create quote and proposals that can contain both non-recurring products as well as recurring services, you will need to select the default price list that Salesbuildr should use in the Salesbuildr Dynamics Admin section.

Products and services you create in Salesbuildr will be added to the default price list you have selected.

Product Types

You can use the Dynamics product types to differentiate between non-recurring and recurring.

  • Set the default product type for recurring services: Services

  • Set the default product type for non-recurring services: Sales inventory

Default Unit Group

Unit groups are used to define the units or a product or service and can be used to indicate how a product is consumed or billed later. You should setup units under the unit group as follows:

  • Each for non-recurrurring products

  • Month for recurring services that are billed on a monthly basis

  • Year for recurring services that are billed on a yearly basis

Default Unit for Services

In Salesbuildr, set the default unit to use for recurring services: Typically you want this to be set to Month. You can set it to Year for yearly licenses on the product level.

Default Unit for Products

Set the default unit to use for products: Typically you want this to be set to Each.

Salesbuildr Information

Synced to Dynamics 365 as




The name of the product


Product ID

The product ID of the product

Long Description


The description of the product

Manufacturer Part Number

Vendor ID

Links to the company details in Dynamics 365.



The manufacturer of the product



The name of the supplier or distributor



The product category


Current Cost

The cost price


List Price

The sales price

Price list

Price list

The default price list

Unit Group

Unit group

The unit group for the product



The unit for the product: Each, Month, Year


Sales Inventory, Services, Charge or Flat fee

Requires Procurement

Stock Item

Determines if items are kept in stock and


If Product is sold with a unique serial number

Is eligible for RMA

If Product Is eligible for RMA


Salesbuildr Information

Synced to Dynamics 365 as


Opportunity Title

Opportunity Name

The name of the sales opportunity.

Opportunity description


Opportunity description

Estimated Close Date

Estimated Close Date

The expected date to close the opportunity.

Pipeline Stage


The stage of the opportunity


The source of the opportunity



% Probability

One time revenue

The one time revenue based on items in the quote

Monthly revenue

The monthly revenue based on items in the quote

Company Information

Account Reference

Links to the company details in Dynamics 365.

Company contact

Contact Reference

Links to the contact details in Dynamics 365.

Owner Information

Owner Reference

Links to the user who owns the opportunity in Dynamics 365.

Opportunity ID

Salesbuildr Opportunity ID

The unique identifier of the opportunity from Salesbuildr.


Salesbuildr Information

Synced to Dynamics 365 as


Quote Title

Quote Name

The name of the quote.


Revision ID

Revision of the qoute

Quote Number

Quote ID

The unique number assigned to the quote.



The status of the qoute

Valid from

Effective from

Effective from date

Expires on

Effective to

Effective to date

Internal note


Internal note

Customer note

Timeline Note

Customer note

Payment terms

Payment terms

Payment terms


Total amount

Total amount of the quote

Quote Owner


Links to the user who owns the opportunity in Dynamics 365.

Price list

The associated price list in Dynamics

Ship to address

Ship to address

Ship to address

Associated Opportunity

Opportunity Reference

Links to the related sales opportunity in Dynamics 365.

Company Information

Account Reference

Links to the company details in Dynamics 365.

Owner Information

Owner Reference

Links to the user who owns the quote in Dynamics 365.

Expiry Date

Effective To Date

The date when the quote expires.

Solution Details

Custom Fields

Information about the solution being quoted.

Shipping method

Shipping Method

The shipping method

Shipping Costs

Shipping Price & Cost

Costs related to shipping.


Salesbuildr enables you to map company types between Dynamics 365 Sales and Salesbuildr to determine how entities will be imported.

How to import Companies from Dynamics 365 to Salesbuildr

How to send companies created in Salesbuildr to Dynamics 365

Salesbuildr Information

Synced to Dynamics 365 as


Company Name

Account Name

The name of the company.


Account Number

Not provided in Salesbuildr.




Company Type

Account Type

Type of the company (e.g., customer, prospect, vendor, supplier).



The website of the company.



Number of employees



The telephone number of the company.


Address Fields

Includes street, city, zip, state, and country information.

Payment terms

Payment Terms

Payment term for this company

Account Manager


Company owner

Contact user

Primairy contact

Primary Contact

Parent Company

Parent Account Reference

Reference to the parent company in Dynamics 365.

Tax ID

Tax Identification Number

Company tax ID

Delivery Addresses

Delivery Address Fields

Delivery addresses for the company.


Salesbuildr Information

Synced to Dynamics 365 as


First Name

First Name

The first name of the contact.

Middle Name

Middle Name

The middle name of the contact.

Last Name

Last Name

The last name of the contact.



The role of the contact



The email address of the contact.

Company ID

Company Reference

Reference to the company the contact is associated with.



The phone number of the contact.

How to prepare your Azure and Power platform environment

Make sure you have the right permissions, go to Microsoft Azure Admin and navigate to App Registrations.

Here, click on New Registration and use "Salesbuildr for Dynamics 365 Sales" as the name. Then click on Register.

Select Certificates & secrets on the left menu.

Click on + New Client Secret

Fill in these values and click Add.

Description "Salesbuildr Dynamics 365 Sales"

Expires "24 Months"

Copy the value in the field below and save it for later.

Go to Overview, copy the Application ID and save this for later.

Navigate to Api Permissions and select Add a permission

Select Microsoft Dynamics

Select Delegated Permissions, enable user impersonation and click on Add permissions

Navigate to and navigate to Environments. Select your environtment.

Click Settings

Select Users And Permissions and then open Application users

Select new App user, Select your Business Unit and click Add an App

Select the previously created App Registration and click Add.

Select the Security Role and click Create

Your App Registration has now been configured to be able to Access your Dynamics 365 environment

To configure Salesbuildr to be able to read and update your Dynamics 365 environment, you need the:

  • Business Unit ID from Dynamics, Environments, Settings, Application Users

  • Directory ID from the App Registration Overview

  • Application (client) ID from the App Registration Overview

  • Client Secret (copied in earlier steps)

In Salesbuildr, navigate to Admin, Intergrations and fill in these values in the corresponding fields under the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales integration.

Then click Verify.

Salesbuildr will now synchronise all companies, contracts and opportunities from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales environment.

How to use Salesbuildr with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales


From the Opportunity detail page 1 and 2 opens the Opportunity and Company Card.


From the quote editor

  1. Show the status of the synchronisation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

  2. Opens the customer card in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

  3. Opens the contact card Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

  4. Opens the opportunity detail dialog

  5. Opens the opportunity detail page Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Companies and contacts

Click the Dynamics 365 icon to open the Company or Contact card in Dynamics 365.


Click the Dynamics 365 icon to open the product card in Dynamics 365.

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