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What's new in sheepCRM?

Details on the latest updates in the system and our support services

Tom Byrom avatar
Written by Tom Byrom
Updated this week

Latest Update


The migration guide for v5 users has been published today as promised.

We may make updates to this document between now and the last day of access but will announce that if we do.

To view the guide, please search for 'guide' or 'migration' in the articles.

Please do let us know if you have any questions or assistance required following this guide and moving to sheepCRM Alpine.

πŸš€ Coming soon!

The first significant new feature for 2025 will be the addition of electronic tickets to the sheepEvents module for customers using the box office tools.

We will provide full details in further communications, but this new feature will provide tickets to your event ticket purchasers which can be scanned on entry for attendance tracking amongst other things this feature will provide, stay tuned!

sheepCRM v5 Retirement Announcement


sheepCRM v5 (blue) will no longer be accessible from 1st March 2025.

  • Further to previous communications it has become time to set a retirement date for this version, and therefore its also time for anyone still using parts of v5 to switch to sheepCRM Alpine.

  • We will be publishing a guide for users on or before the 30th of January 2025 and will alert all users when this is available.

  • The guidance is for all users, but if you are the system administrator or training and support contact for your team, please use the guide to update any of your internal resources as required.

Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a successful 2025.

Our end of year product change "freeze" ends later this week, we will be communicating as normal to share planned and released changes to sheepCRM in due course.

End of Year 2024 Update

No product updates this last week (we "freeze" πŸ₯Ά any changes to the system over the period before and after the end of the year)!

To those of our customers celebrating this time of year, we wish you a Merry Christmas πŸŽ„and look forward to a successful 2025 !

November 28th 2024 Update

Email Sender Feature - Officially Launched πŸš€

Further to previous coming soon announcements, this new feature is now formally available to customers on request (included for Professional License holders / paid add on for others).

This feature provides the ability to send emails from sheepCRM from different email addresses. Please see the article for more information.

November 14th 2024 Update

πŸš€ This week we have added a couple of new features to Alpine. The Alpine Directory (beta) now supports list fields such as tags and interests on the bulk replace action, which means you can add new or remove single tags and interests in bulk.

For those of you using Xero invoices and legacy sheep invoices, you will now see a new Finance tab on the contact record, from there, you will be able to see all the Xero invoices generated and synced to sheepCRM for each contact record. This is similar to V5 where you had a dedicated area for these items as well. You will also find view-only legacy invoice/quotes from sheep as well as all payments.

Other new improvements

  • sheepSpaces reservations now support a custom title when adding a new reservation from Alpine. Leaving the field blank will default to the venue's name as the title.

  • When viewing notes on a contact record in Alpine you can now see who the note was created by.

  • Some minor fixes in Alpine and sheepApp.

November 6th 2024 Update

πŸš€ This week with have continued our work implementing core features of sheepSpaces into Alpine. For those of you using this module this now includes adding a reservation directly from Alpine via the + button in the main menu.

You can also view reservations directly in the new Alpine Reservations calendar.

This only applies to customers with the sheepSpaces module.

Full information can be found in this article

If you are interested in adding sheepSpaces to your licensed modules in sheepCRM please contact support.

Other new improvements

  • For customers using our Vehicles Database Option and the historic vehicles pack - Additional vehicle fields are now available. These can be added from the contact record in Alpine for CRM users or via the sheepApp where members can manage their vehicles themselves.

October 31st 2024 Update

πŸ› οΈ This week we have been finalising some of the new email sending features that will be available for Professional license customers (once opted in) and as an optional paid add-on for all other customers.

Initial features will include giving you control over different sending emails for your CRM users and an increase bulk email limits from 1500 to 3000 recipients in one go. If this is of any interest to you please get in contact with us for the full details, however there will be more information when officially released in the next couple of weeks.

Other New and improvements

  • Customers who have the sheepSpaces module can now manage their reservations in version 5 can now find Reservations on Contact records in Alpine via the Events section.

    • We support viewing, editing, and deleting of a reservation directly from the contact record in Alpine.

    • Reservations are found on the Events sections of a contact record.

  • There has also been a number of small refinements and fixes to sheepCRM and sheepApp.

October 24th 2024 Update

πŸ› οΈ This week we have made some minor UX changes and performance improvements to Segments and the Segments - Directory Beta, as well as filter rules updates.
​Coming soon
We've also been working hard on a few new Alpine features, one of those is new Professional level optional feature for Email sending, we expect to announce this within the next two to three weeks.

​New and improvements

  • Automatic segments based on interests have been renamed to remove the "Contact -" prefix.

  • When viewing a segment if there are more than ten child segments we have changed the UI to make the folders/buttons a bit more user friendly

  • Automatic segments have had their database queries optimised which should make them a little bit faster.

October 17th 2024 Update

UPDATE: System maintenance was successfully completed on 17th October. We have not detected any issues, but if you see something unexpected please report it to our support team. Thank you.

⚠️ IMPORTANT - Scheduled system maintenance was carried out on 7pm Thursday 17th October 2024. This is a significant update so it carries a low level risk of temporary issues. We will be actively monitoring and reacting immediately to any alerts, but please do report any issues with system access, data visibility or performance to our support team. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

πŸš€ This week we have released the latest update to the sheepCRM Alpine home page, which provides you with quick access to a number of support items, direct links to articles, our blog and an instant overview the latest what's new updates!

As you will see there is still space for more things to be added in future updates, so watch this space. πŸ˜‰

View now on your homepage - also shown in the image below.

October 10th 2024 Update

πŸš€ This week we have made some minor UX improvements across sheepCRM based on customer feedback as well as continuous improvements and fixes to the Segments - Directory Beta for a smoother experience.

​New and improvements

  • Evidence records will now default to show 'All' from a contact record so you can easily see which have expired.

  • Evidence records on a contact record will also show the date they were added as well as the expiry date from the list view. It's no longer necessary to open each record to see the dates. We've also highlighted expired evidence records in orange for quick visibility.

  • You can quickly copy links to contacts and events by clicking on the link on the bottom right of a sidepanel relating to contacts and events. Clicking the link will copy the full shareable URL to your clipboard, enabling you to share in a quick way.

  • When selecting a processing operation on a consent record, the field What have they consented to will be automatically filled based on the information set up for that processing operation from within settings.

  • Converting person records to organisation records is now available in Alpine. This can be found by open a contact record then heading to Admin and clicking the Action button in the Record Data section. As this is an irreversible action you will be asked to confirm before any changes are made.

October 2nd 2024 Update

πŸš€ This week we continued making improvements to the Alpine Directory Beta and have made several quality-of-life improvements and fixes particularly in the area of filters and rule building. Note that these changes will affect both Segments and the Directory unless stated otherwise as we bring these tools closer together.
As always we really appreciate the feedback many of you have provided, many thanks to those who have done so this week. If you spot anything or have a query please feel free to contact

​New and improvements

  • Data driven filters, meaning you'll start to see more options for filtering, both in the Directory and when creating Segments

  • Added support for multiple free-text filtering - e.g. "First name is any of John, Jonathan, Jon"

  • Parity between Segment rules and the Directory rules has now been completed meaning you shouldn't see any differences between the type of rule you can apply to a filter.

  • A number of refinements and bug fixes of reported items from customers.

September 25th 2024 Update

Thank you to those who have provided us with some early feedback on the Alpine Directory Beta, this week we made a number of display fixes and under the hood improvements which will continue into the coming weeks as we refine based on user feedback.

πŸš€ Coming soon we will be enhancing both Segments and Alpine Directories rule builder, so you can leverage more power from these tools and build more powerful Segments and ways to filter your data.

For those of you who are yet to give it a try please find our guidance article here which will tell you everything you need to know in order to start using the current beta version.
​Segments - Alpine Directory (Beta)

September 18th 2024 Update

If you still use the Directory in sheepCRM v5 (blue) for filtering and exports - the feature announcement below removes that need as you can do these tasks in sheepCRM Alpine v6.

⚠️ Important additional notes for customers & users still using sheepCRM v5 (blue) as their main system.

  • This new feature below is the last major feature required to complete migration to Alpine v6 for v5 customers. πŸš€

  • This means we will be formally inviting you to start using Alpine v6 as your main system soon, with supporting guidance available.

  • sheepCRM v5 (blue) will not be shut down until a later date to provide ample time for you to fully migrate your users, please ensure you check future communications from us.

  • If you would like to switch beforehand, or have any questions please get in touch via support.

New Feature Announcement 🎁

Further to previous communications, sheepCRM Alpine v6 has received significant investment in R&D to enable your journey to success.

One of the major areas is about providing you with the tools for managing, understanding and utilising your data so that you can maximise operational effectiveness, segmentation and data insights.

This new 'segmentation' directory feature, which follows a number of other updates, is the next major item to come from this significant R&D area, providing you with powerful tools to work your data for various tasks, such as data filtering and bulk actions to update data fields or generate quick exports.

This is a BETA release for two reasons;

  • To give you access to the tools now and invite your feedback whilst we refine what is a very powerful and complex area.

  • So we can release smaller incremental updates and embed this in full within the segmentation area of the system, for example we have a number of really useful bulk actions to add to this tool that have been requested by a broad range of customers.

Please see the article for the new directory here. Enjoy!

It is important to understand that as this is a BETA release, we expect to find some issues and areas for refinement. We will update the article with a link to any known issues and their status as and when we identify them or have been reported.

September 4th 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)

We have deployed a number of small bug fixes across both sheepApp and Alpine. We will also start to capture errors when pushing any data from sheep to Mailchimp for things like blocked IP and report it under Reports > usage > sheepCRM notices.

πŸš€ Future releases for our next Segments feature will be announced soon!

August 2nd 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)

πŸš€ Creating Sub-Segments

We have added a quick and easy way of creating sub-segments which inherit the rules of the segment you create it from and apply it as a sub-segment. This makes it quick and easy to set up segments with the same base rules as the parent without the need for using the advanced mode.
When in a segment, click on the actions button and you will see a new option for 'Create sub-segment' This will open up the side panel with the rules of the parent already applied which you can then add extra rules too and once saved will be available as a sub-segment.

July 19th 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)

πŸš€ We are currently working on several new features and tools that will provide a faster way of working with your data and creating a more interactive experience in Alpine on large data sets.

This will also include migrating some of the final features of our legacy directory for things like bulk actions and enhancing those features for making changes to large sets of data.

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for further updates before its eventual release.

Other new and improvements
Added an extra field to provide a reason for leaving when editing a membership via the contact record.

  • A toggle labeled as decided to leave? is displayed, enabling this will show another field for filling in the reason for leaving

July 4th 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)

Help Launcher - System Status

Our aim is to be transparent about the services we're offering, so you can now view our System Status information direct in the new Help Launcher, including the reported status of our suppliers and partners. Any ongoing incidents will also be viewable here.


As part of our work to make your sheepEvents easier to manage, only reusable ticket types will now appear in sheepSettings, and be available in sheepEvents for reuse. Any legacy ticket types created in Theme 5 will no longer be available. If you need assistance recreating any of your ticket types, please let us know.

The new Help Launcher is also now available from sheepSettings

June 27th 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)

New Feature - Help Launcher

πŸš€ This new feature is another milestone in the completion of sheepCRM v6 Alpine.

Our development of v6 Alpine and the dedicated support and services our team provides is heavily influenced by the success of our customers, which means it has received significant investment in a number of areas.

Previous updates have shared new and revised articles written for v6 Alpine, the first milestone was to ensure all pages of the system had at least one online support article. This new feature takes that to a new level as it provides direct access to the articles relevant for the page, and more.

Supporting our customers has a number of layers to it. You will know we have provided access to online/system help, chat and most importantly our team for support and services.

We remain committed to this approach and will be sharing more people driven options, and new tools to aid your success in due course, but this release today is the next step in that direction and includes an overview of some very important items "coming soon" including sheepAI.

We have launched a help launcher which can be accessed via the question mark icon. This will open a new modal which will automatically present articles based on the page or area of the CRM you are currently looking at. This is particularly useful for quickly getting relevant articles without the need for directly searching for one. You can also search our article database directly from the modal using the search functionality.
You can also see from the left-hand menu some other features that will be coming to you in the near future via this help launcher. Feel free to click through them and get familiar as we aim to bring a faster and more targeted way of getting you the help and guidance you need.


sheepEvents box office pro users can now limit the availability of a ticket to a specific segment of contacts. This is useful if you want to only allow a sub-set of your contacts or members to have access to a special-priced ticket. The ticket will only show in the App if the user logged in belongs to that segment.
To do so, when adding a ticket to the event via the event config you now have an option for 'Limit availability to named segment'. See below.

June 19th 2024 Update

Alpine (v6 Alpine customers/users only)


We have made some quality-of-life adjustments to Segments which aim to make it a bit simpler when adding new ones via Segments.

Firstly we have added page size buttons for those with lots of Segments so you don't run into issues when searching if you have more than 250. Just increase the page size if you can't find what you're searching for.

Secondly, we have greatly reduced the initial 'Add segment' side panel. The aim is to only give you the options you need to quickly get one set up so you can focus on the rules/filters.

If you need the full side panel like it was previously then you can just click 'Advanced mode' where, for example, you can set the parent segment to organise your segment into a specific area.

Approximately 80% of the reasons customers use the v5 (blue) directory filter is for results based on contact records (people or organisations). This is one of the reasons we have added the item noted in the next part of this update below.

When using the simplified segment side panel you will automatically be creating a segment based on contacts. You will need to use the advanced mode if you want to change this to another resource type. Advanced mode when clicked on will also be pre-filled with options for a contact segment so a small improvement to help get you started there as well.
​Other new and improvements

  • Audit log on a contact record will now show entries for information relating to tickets and tickets is now filterable from the audit log filter at the top.

For previous announcements and updates, please see the Announcement Archive

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