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Reports: Membership

This report provides detailed data and financials on Memberships, active or lapsed, paid or unpaid, new, pending and renewing

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a year ago

Please Note: On viewing a Report, please bear in mind that the information displayed is based on the data records determined by the time period you have selected.

"You'll be pleased to know that this is why we have made it super easy to navigate through different date ranges no matter where you are in the Reports section.

You will see, on all Reports, these options along the top:

Arrows skip a month or year at a time!"

How do I navigate to sheepCRM Membership Reports?

Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.

Select Reports tab from the top navigation bar

Select Membership tab from the options below the navigation bar

What is a Membership Summary Report?

This report provides a summary and a more detailed analysis, based on the time period you select, of the number of active and inactive Memberships, number of new and lost Memberships, Churn, Growth and Net Growth. It also provides a breakdown of your memberships by plan.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is a Membership Revenue (accrual) Report?

This report provides a detailed record of Revenue received per membership (which is from the cost/amount on each membership record), based on the time period you select, the Membership status, plan, net and gross revenue and tax.
​*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is a Members Leaving Report?

This report provides a detailed record of leavers, based on the time period you select, including their name, status, plan and reason for leaving together with the revenue associated with this to help identify any outstanding payments for example.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

Please Note: A 'leaver' is defined in this report as the stopping of a given membership type. If a member has moved from membership plan A to membership B or has concurrent memberships they will show in this report.

What is a New Members Report?

This report provides a detailed record of New Memberships records that have been created (NOT brand New Members to your Organisation), based on the time period you select, including their name, status and plan, together with the revenue associated with this to help identify any awaiting payment for example.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is a Pending Member?

A pending membership record is created when a contact starts a sign-up via sheepApp but does not complete the payment stage (they have dropped out for a number of reasons such as lost connection, or changing their mind).

What is a Pending Members Report?

This report provides a detailed record of Pending Memberships, based on the time period you select, including their name, status and plan, together with the revenue associated with this to help identify any awaiting payment for example.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is a Membership Payment Plan Anomalies Report?

This report flags Memberships that have existing payments as part of a payment plan that may need investigating or action to be taken to correct the records and keep them up to date and accurate in sheepCRM.
​*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is a Members Renewing Report?

This report provides a record of Memberships that have a renewal coming up, based on the time period you select, including their name, status, and plan, together with the revenue associated with this to help identify any awaiting payment for example.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

What is an Unpaid Memberships Report?

This report flags Memberships that are unpaid* to support in navigating you to identifying payments that may require attention, need investigating or action to be taken to keep payment information up to date and accurate in sheepCRM whilst also aiming to aid finance departments with possible debtors.

*This can be exported as an XLS file.

Please Note: Unpaid means there is no payment/s matching or exceeding the cost of the membership.

See here for more information on Membership Terminology used within sheepCRM

See here for more information on Membership Reports

See here for more information on the Membership Directory

See here for more information on Membership Lifecycle Events

See here for more information on Advanced Membership Plans (for sheepApp Users)

See here for more information on Settings: Membership defaults & options

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