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Reports: Membership>Membership Summary

This report provides a summary of data and financials on Memberships, active or lapsed, paid or unpaid, new, pending and renewing

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 2 months ago

Please Note: On viewing a Report, please bear in mind that the information displayed is based on the data records determined by the time period you have selected.

"You'll be pleased to know that this is why we have made it super easy to navigate through different date ranges no matter where you are in the Reports section.

You will see, on all Reports, these options along the top:

Arrows skip a month or year at a time!"

How do I navigate to sheepCRM Membership Summary Report?

Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.

Select the Reports tab from the top navigation bar

Select the Membership tab from the options below the navigation bar

What is a Membership Summary Report?

This report shows your growth and churn across your membership base during a given period.

Level 1: How many members have I got?

We start by determining how many active membership records you had at the start of the period. Then we count how many you had at the end. We work out how many of those are new members and how many have been lost.

Then, we can apply some maths to give us growth and churn:

Level 2: Classification of member actions.

There are eight classification permutations in three groups:

Existing Members

Of all the members that were active at the start of the period - What did they do?

1. Existing Members (active throughout) - These members either renewed or had a membership that was active throughout

2. Existing Members (active with gaps) - These were active but not members for the entire date range you have set. e.g. a membership lapsed in February and the member renewed/joined again in October, creating a gap of 7 months

3. Existing Members (lapsed and not renewed) - These members were active, but their membership came to an end, and they did not renew. (Lapsed in Sheep is a passive loss)

4. Existing Members (cancelled and not renewed) - These members differ from (3) because they actively cancelled their memberships

New Members

These three classifications are for your new members:

5. New Members (joined and stayed) means the number of members who joined within the date range set and were still members at the end of that date range.

6. New Members (joined and lapsed) means the number of members who joined within the date range set but lapsed before the end of that date range.

7. New Members (lapsed and cancelled) means the number of members who joined within the date range set but were cancelled before the end of that date range.

Finally, Pending Members:

8. Pending Members - Members with a pending status membership within the date range set.

Your membership movements based on these eight classifications are shown in a table with one row per membership type.


💡 This report is not aware of the relationships between your membership plans, so they are treated as independent. When members move from one plan to another, they are reported as lapses and joins.

⚠️ This report is based on data at the time you run it. Be careful reporting these numbers within your organisation if they may change. For example, if you report 10 members lapsed last month, but then 2 of them renew, those statistics will change, so it is always worth considering a retrospective use of this report when exporting the stats for internal reporting.

See here for more information on Membership Terminology used within sheepCRM

See here for more information on Membership Reports

See here for more information on the Membership Directory

See here for more information on Membership Lifecycle Events

See here for more information on Advanced Membership Plans (for sheepApp Users)

See here for more information on Settings: Membership defaults & options

Background Detail

The membership summary report looks at individual membership records (each record represents the a single membership period - think the membership cards the AA or the National Trust issue each year). The summary report pulls a list of all records with a date in the relevant period and allocates them based on the classifications.

If a membership record changes (e.g. you edit the start or end date then the numbers in the report will change - as you would expect!) The numbers are 'live' and previous periods are calculated in realtime in the same way as the current period (this causes the report to be slow for large membership bases). If you are moving memberships around e.g. between periods and you are taking snapshots then remember to re-run those old reports to ensure you have accurate data.

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