In this article, you'll learn how to set up a discount for repeat customers on your store. A repeat customer is defined as someone who has placed more than one order.
Step 1: Start by clicking on the Discount option.
Step 2: Next, select the Create Discount option.
Step 3: Now, you'll need to input the details of the discount.
Step 4: Write down the name of the discount.
Step 5: For instance, let's say we're offering a 10% discount on Tesla.
Step 6: Once you've entered the details, click on Continue.
Step 7: You don't need to set any card conditions for this discount.
Step 8: The discount is based on the lifetime order count.
Step 9: Set the minimum order count to one. This means the customer must have placed at least one order to be eligible for the discount.
Step 10: Click on Continue again.
Step 11: Click on Continue once more.
Step 12: Finally, click on Create Discount.
And that's it! You've now set up a discount for repeat customers.