Signhost e-mails

Default/standard e-mails

Updated over a week ago

What e-mails does Signhost send, and when? uses e-mail to communicate information to both users and signatories. The large number of different e-mails can make things a little confusing. A summary of all e-mails is given below.

E-mail 1 : Invitation to sign a transaction

Version 1: No custom message

[user e-mail address] has sent a document for signing via
Dear [user name],
This is an automatic e-mail to inform you that one or more documents are waiting for your signature. Use the link below to sign the documents online.

If you have any questions about the signing process or the document in question, please reply to the e-mail address given in the subject line.

Kind regards,
[user name]

Click here to view ‘[document name]’ and sign to indicate your agreement. The document will remain accessible until [expiration date].

After ‘[document name]’ has been digitally signed, a copy of the signed document will be e-mailed to you.

Version 2: Custom message

[user e-mail address] has sent a document for signing via
[Custom message here]

Click here to view ‘[document name]’ and sign to indicate your agreement. The document will remain accessible until [expiration date].

After ‘[document name]’ has been digitally signed, a copy of the signed document will be e-mailed to you.

When is it sent?
Whenever a user sends a sign request to the signatory, with or without a custom message.

E-mail 2 : Invitation reminder

Reminder: [user e-mail address] has sent a document for signing via
[Custom message]

The document titled [document name] was sent to you for signing on [date] by [user e-mail address] via

We have not yet received your response.Click here to view ‘[document name]’ and sign to indicate your agreement. 

When is it sent?
If a signatorie has not taken any action (i.e. neither signed nor refused) a reminder of the initial invitation will be sent after the set deadline.

E-mail 3 : Invitation confirmation has sent [document name] to [signer's e-mail].
Dear [users name],

The document ‘[document name]’ has been successfully sent to [signers' e-mail address].

As soon as the recipient has taken action, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail.The document will be deleted on [expiry date].

When is it sent?
Whenever a user sends a signing request, they will receive a confirmation that it was sent successfully. It will also be re-sent if there are multiple signatories who must sign in order. The user will also be notified whenever it's the next signatory's turn.

E-mail 4 : Confirmation of signing has sent [document name] to [signers' e-mail address]
Dear [user name], 

The document [document name] was signed by [signers' e-mail address].

As soon as a recipient takes action on your document you will receive another confirmation e-mail.The document will be deleted on [expiration date].

The signers which have to sign are: - [other signer e-mail address(es)] The following signers already signed the document: - [signers' e-mail address(es)] [date signed]

When is it sent?
The user will receive a notification whenever a signatory signs a document in a transaction that includes multiple signatories.  Currently, this e-mail is only available in English. 

E-mail 5 : Rejecting a transaction

Refusal to sign [document name] by [signer's e-mail address]
Dear [user e-mail address],

The recipient with e-mail address [signers' e-mail address] refused to sign the document ‘[document name]’ on [date of refusal].
Reason for rejection: [reason for rejection]. Please contact the recipient for more information.

The document can be re-sent for signing via

When is it sent?
Users are informed whenever a signatory rejects a transaction.

E-mail 6 : Withdrawing a transaction

Version 1: To signatory

[user e-mail address] has withdrawn the transaction
[Reason for withdrawal][user e-mail address] has withdrawn the document ‘[document name]’. 

The document is no longer available for signing. You do not need to take any action.

 Version 2: To the user has withdrawn the document
Dear [user name], 

Your document was successfully withdrawn via Documents: [document name]

When is it sent?
The signatories can be informed whenever a user withdraws a transaction. All signatories with an open signing request receive this notification. 

E-mail 7 : Successful transaction: signed document(s)

Download signed document [document name]
The document [document name] was signed successfully via by:- [signers' e-mail address]

Download your digitally-signed document here. The document will remain accessible until [expiration date].

As confirmation, in the second e-mail you will also receive a receipt including the details of the transaction, which can be stored as proof along with your other documents.

When is it sent?
Whenever a transaction is signed successfully by all signatories, the signed document is sent to all signatories, as well as the user who created the transaction. 

 E-mail 8 : Successful transaction: transaction receipt

Transaction receipt for document [document name]
The document [document name] was signed successfully via by:- [signers' e-mail address]

Download the transaction receipt here. This receipt can be stored as proof along with your signed document.

The receipt will remain accessible until [expiration date].

When is it sent?
Whenever a transaction is signed successfully by all signatories, the signed document is sent to all signatories, as well as the user who created the transaction. 

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