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Switching from a personal subscription to a district funded account
Switching from a personal subscription to a district funded account
Updated over a week ago

At any point your account can easily be switched from a personal one to a district one!

Before your district sends in the order, be sure to update the email in your current account to your school email as this is what they will put on the order. When your order is received and processed, the system will then be able to make the connection that you are an existing subscriber and a pro-rated refund will be issued if needed at that time.

Note that many users with personal accounts store data for multiple districts or organizations. When an account is converted from personal to organization, the organization takes ownership of all the data in the account. Personal account users must make sure that only data owned by the paying district or organization is contained in the account. Furthermore, the user must not store any new data in the account that is not the property of the paying district, as the account may be re-assigned to a different user at any time.

Once your district account is ready, you will receive an email to let you know. You will not lose any of your existing data in the process!

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