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Customize The Store Page

Customize the look and feel of your web shop page

Updated over a week ago

Step 1 - Add the Shop Page to Your Website

Click the [website] tab from the left side menu, click [add page], then select the [shop page] from the pop-up window. 

shop page pop-up prompt

Then click square-shaped the edit icon to load the page editor.

Make sure you've added products to your store. They will appear on this page.

Step 2 - Customize the Shop Page

Click "Shop products" from the left side menu to view the settings of that page block.

side navigation example

Here you can give the section a title, description, and you can customize the layout with alignment options. There are also options for displaying products by category and enabling a side bar for category navigation. Click here to learn How To Display Store Products by Category.

Remember to hit save, then you're all set!

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