When making a test purchase using a credit card, take note that the transaction may fail if the amount exceeds a certain percentage of the overall transaction that includes any auto-deducted fees such as: DoorDash Drive, DoorDash Tips, and App Fees. When the transaction fails, you will see a notification like the one below.
To avoid these issues, we recommend using a 100% discount coupon that you can create in your Sociavore account. Just follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Go to the E-Commerce Settings Dashboard.
Step 2 - Go to the Discounts Codes Tab and Create a New Discount Code.
Step 3 - Create a 100% Discount Code.
Enter a discount code name, eg. "TESTXXX"
Click the "Percentage" option, and enter 100%
Switch it to "Active" to enable the code
Click "Save Discount Code".
Optional: Set "Usage Limits." If left unchecked, the code will be unlimited.
Quick Tip: Disable the code immediately after testing.
Step 4 - Make a Purchase and Test it out.
Make a purchase
On the checkout page, click "Enter Promo Code"
Enter the discount code you created
Click "Pay Now"
Read this article for more information about Discount Codes
Step 5 - Check Reports to see if Test Purchase was Successful.
If a purchase is successful, you can view the transaction details in any of the following:
1. Orders Dashboard
2. Reports Dashboard