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How to pitch your catalog
How to pitch your catalog

Learn how to send out tracked links to playlists, songs, and releases in your Songspace catalog.

Molly Bales avatar
Written by Molly Bales
Updated over a week ago

"Pitching" is the term that we use to refer to any scenario in which you send out and share your music. Whether that be for sync purposes, pitching to an artist & their team to be considered for an album, a Spotify playlist, or any marketing or promotional purpose, our pitching features allow you to professionally showcase your music and provide you with tools to effectively monitor and manage what you're sending out.

There are multiple ways to send out your music via Songspace. You can generate links to individual songs, playlists, or releases, and if you've upgraded, you always have the option between sending a tracked or a non-tracked link. We refer to non-tracked links as share links and tracked links as pitch links.

This article will walk you through everything you need to know as it relates to sending out tracked pitch links.

Individual Song Links

To send a link to an individual song:

  1. Right click on the song from the catalog view.

  2. Select "Pitch song".


  1. Double click on the song - this will take you into the song edit view.

  2. Select the arrow icon in the top right navigation panel.

Playlist Links

You are able to generate a link to any of the playlist folders in your organizational catalog structure on the lefthand side of the screen. There are two different ways that you can go about generating a link to a playlist folder to send out externally:

Generating a link to an existing playlist in your account.

  1. Select the playlist you'd like to pitch.

  2. Select the "Pitch playlist" icon (looks like an arrow) in the navigation bar towards the top right.

Creating a one time pitch.

  1. Select the orange "+" from your main catalog view.

  2. Select "new pitch"

  3. Drag & drop songs into the pitch drawer.

The main difference between the two options is that #2 will only live in your pitch log and not in your catalog view. So if you're one who likes to reference past pitches to more efficiently create current ones, we would suggest route #1.

Release Links

NOTE: This option will only exist if you're adding release / product level metadata to your recordings. See our “Understanding Releases” to learn about releases and the corresponding metadata.

You can select the "Releases" tab from your main catalog view which will allow you to visualize your catalog metadata from a release perspective. From here, you can either:

  1. Right-click on the release that you'd like to send

  2. Select "Pitch release"


  1. Double click on the release

  2. Select the "Pitch release" option in the top right navigation panel

Tracked Pitch Link Settings.

Regardless of whether you've selected to pitch a song, playlist or release, you will be routed to a window that allows you to enter additional information and establish your settings.

This section will explain what each of these options mean.

  • Tracked pitch link vs In-person pitch: At the very top of the page you have the option to choose whether this is a tracked pitch link or an in-person pitch. If you're wanting to generate a tracked link, keep "Tracked pitch link" as the selected option. The "In-person pitch" option is for scenarios where you pitched something to someone outside of Songspace. (IE, you played the songs in person at a pitch meeting, sent the mp3s as email attachments, etc.)

  • Pitch Title: This will appear as the main header on the pitch page. It is also a helpful way for you to reference what this pitch is so that you are easily able to find and identify it in the future if needed.

  • Pitch Recipient: Who are you sending this link to?

    • Begin typing their name. If they already exist in your Songspace database, they will appear in the dropdown.

    • Select the existing contact to add them to the pitch. If they do not yet exist in your account, the top option in the dropdown will have a "NEW" button next to it.

    • Click "New" to create a new contact for the recipient. This contact will now appear as an option moving forward.

  • Project: In short, using the Projects feature allows you to enter more information surrounding the goal of this pitch / what this is being pitched for. This allows for better reporting in the long term.

    • If a project already exists, you can search for it in the search panel and then select the corresponding result once it appear in the dropdown.

    • If the project you're pitching towards does not yet exist, you can select "NEW PROJECT" to create one. This project will appear as an option moving forward.

      • Click here for a more information around projects.

  • Set Link Expiration: If you'd like to set an expiration date on your link, select this dropdown and choose your preferred expiration date. The link you're generating will no longer be active once the date that you've selected has passed and the recipient will no longer be able to access the content. Note: if you need to extend or change a previously saved expiration date on a pitch, you can change it any time via the pitch log.

  • Allow Downloading: If you would like for the recipient to be able to download recordings from the pitch, turn the toggle next to "Allow Downloading" on (on= blue). If you would like for this to be a stream only link, toggle this option off (off=grey).

  • Require Password: If you're sending out unreleased or sensitive material, we highly recommend using this option. This adds additional security to the content that you're sending.

    • Select the toggle on the right (it will turn blue) and then enter the password you'd like to use for this pitch.

    In order to access the content of the pitch, the recipient will have to enter the password that you've set. Tip: Most people include the password in the body of the email when sending the link.

  • Watch Pitch Activity: This option allows you to control what type of notifications you receive related to the pitch.

    • If it's turned on (blue), you will get email notifications for any views or downloads on the link.If it's turned off (grey), you will not receive any emails.

    • You will be able to reference the stats in your pitch log regardless of which option you select.

  • Include Sub-Folders: Note: This option only exists for playlists. If you wish to include any existing nested subfolders in the playlist pitch that you're sending, toggle this setting on (blue). If you do not wish to include nested subfolders, keep this toggle turned off (grey).

  • Include Files: Note: This option only exists for playlists. If you have any miscellaneous files (images, documents, etc) added to the "Files" section of the playlist, you have the option to display these on the pitch where they will also be downloadable to the recipient. To do this, toggle this setting on (blue).

  • Customize: When you generate a tracked pitch link to a song, playlist, or release, it is creating a copy of all of the assets included in the pitch and the various settings for those and the pitch overall. If there is something unique about this pitch that you need to tailor further, the “Customize” option provides you with a route to do so. The most common use for this tends to be for hiding recording versions that you do not wish to display in this link. Click here for more information on editing and customizing a pitch.

When you click "Create & Get Link", a unique URL will be generated. Next, "Copy" the link to your clipboard and paste into an email to send or text to send!

Interested in advanced pitching workflows? We recommend reading these additional articles:

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