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The System Administrator Account
Updated over a year ago

The System Administrator (SA) account allows a user to configure various functions within Penelope, add/edit Worker Profiles, configure user defined fields, setup the Intake Wizard, configure Action Triggers and lots more.

The System Administrator User Group should only be assigned to a user who will be configuring and maintaining Penelope (the SA account type should not be used as a day to day account).

It should also be noted that System Administrators do not have any access to Individuals (clients), Cases or Events. If an SA requires access to any of the above, it will be necessary for them to have a second account with different permissions (Intake Mgmt or Admin Exec for example).

The System Administration Home Page

You will only see the System Administrator My Home page when using Penelope with an SA account.

System Setup

The System Setup section is where you will configure the majority of Penelope including ClientConnect, Billing, MS Exchange etc. You also have the option to add Sites, add Individual User Defined fields, add Action Triggers, configure SMTP/SMS, configure Credit Card gateways etc. and that’s just to name a few things.

User Setup

The User Setup section allows you to configure your Security Classes, Report Security Classes, Add/Edit Users, Categories, Rates add Qualifications etc.

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