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Troubleshooting DSS Submission Issues
Troubleshooting DSS Submission Issues
Updated over a year ago

Below you will find a list of common DSS errors and possible resolutions. If the error still appears after trying the resolution below please contact the Penelope Help Team.

Any Level in Penelope

Error 1: Operation has timed out with Data Exchange. Please verify the record status via the online portal.

Meaning: Penelope couldn’t confirm that the record synced with DSS due to a connection issue on DSS’s end.

Resolution: Resubmit the record until a) the record syncs or b) it throws back a different error, then fix that error

Error 2: Client Id pd_cli_164 not found (can also be related to any DSS record not found).

Meaning: This typically means that someone has edited or removed the associated record in DEX. As such, Penelope cannot connect to the record, and the record is considered orphaned.

Resolution: Contact Penelope Support for further discussion.

Individual Profile

Error 3: – Please ensure the address details are correct. Closest matched address: ASHBOURNE VIC 3442; ASHBOURNE SA 5157; BULLENGAROOK VIC 3437;

Meaning: The address entered doesn’t match as valid, according to DSS. They suggest an address that may match but you’ll need to enter a valid address.

Resolution: Enter a valid address. If the address you’re entering IS valid, contact DSS to discuss why the address isn’t being accepted.

Error 4: Date of birth cannot be less than 1894. Date must be greater than or equal to 1894./- SLK contains invalid chars in the date of birth part./- Invalid SLK. SLK must meet the department’s SLK generation rules.

Meaning: The birth date is prior to 1894, which DSS doesn’t allow.

Resolution: Correct the client’s birth date ensuring a value greater than or equal to 1894 is used.

Service Event

Error 5: The session cannot be changed as it is outside of the data entry reporting period.

Meaning: This error is due to attempting to update a session that is outside of the reporting period.

Resolution: If the record must be updated, an extension for DSS is required. If not, mark the record as Not for Submission.

Error 6: Client Id xxxxx is not associated with the case.

Meaning: This error exists because the DSS case was marked Not for Submission. The DSS Client Information was then updated on the case after that. Then, subsequent sessions were added with that same outlet on the Service File. These sessions will attempt to submit to DEX with the DSS CaseID but assuming the DSS Client is attached.

Resolution: Mark the DSS case for submission so the updated DSS Client information gets attached to it. Next, update the DSS Session information so that it gets resubmitted.

Error 7: Invalid Case Id on sessions or assessments.

Meaning: This error exists because the DSS Case was marked not for submission. The subsequent DSS Sessions in that service file for the same outlet will try to submit through on that same case which may not exist in DEX. When it doesn’t, the Sessions will then come back in this error status, as DEX can’t find the case to attach them to.

Resolution: Mark the DSS Case for submission so it will get added to DEX. Then update the DSS Session info so that it gets resubmitted.

System Admin DSS Setup Page

Error 7: DSS DEX Web Service Response Remote Error: ; nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException

Meaning: Ping, sync, and/or updates are failing

Resolution: Reach out to the DEX helpdesk to ensure your account is not locked and your credentials are up to date.

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