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Booking a Group Event
Updated over a week ago

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To book a group event follow the instructions below. Steps and functionality may vary slightly depending on the version of Penelope you are using.

Important information for agencies using MS Exchange synchronization: As of Penelope version, Group events will synchronize with MS Exchange even when they have no Individual attendees. In the past, Group events would not sync with MS Exchange until they had a least one Individual attendee.

Maximum Members and Attendees

When working with groups in Penelope:

  • It is recommended that groups have no more than 200 members.

  • It is also recommended that no more than 200 members are added to group events.

Penelope and above – If a Worker is booking a group event with more than 200 members (at the same time), a warning will display notifying the Worker that the process could take a long time and cause slowness for other users. This feature has been added to ensure Workers are aware that events with a large number of attending members can have an impact on performance when working with the event in the future.

How to Book a Group Event

Penelope and above – It is now possible to add a video link to an event (e.g. Service Event, Group Event, Indirect Event or Informal Event) in Penelope. This option is only available if the Worker is Accepting Video Session In ClientConnect (Worker Profile > Clinical tab). This new functionality will allow your agency to easily add a video link instead of a location (helping to avoid confusion) for sessions taking place using a video conferencing tool.

To book a group event follow the instructions below.

  1. Click Group List from your My Home Page.

  2. In the Results section, select the Group you would like to add an event to (Green dot indicates the Group is open and a red dot indicates the Group is closed).

  3. In the Group Events sections click Book New.

  4. Select an Event date from the Calendar or by typing a date value in the Event Date field.

  5. Enter a Description (only available in Penelope version and above).

  6. Select the Event Site.

  7. Select the Location or enter a Location. If the event will be conducted via video call, the Video Session Link should be copied and pasted into the Video Session Link field.

  8. Check Book as Non-scheduled (if applicable). Non-scheduled events do not appear in the Worker’s calendar or the Master Agency Schedule.

  9. Enter a Start Time or select it from the hour/minute options.

  10. Enter a Duration or select it using the slider.

  11. Complete these steps only if you want to book multiple events at one time (The events will have the same duration, Service Units etc):

    1. Click Repeat.

    2. Select how often the event repeats (daily, weekly, weekdays etc).

    3. Select the number of events or the end date.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Remove any Attendees who will not be attending the group event/s by clicking on the minus (-) icon next to the attendee’s name (only available in Penelope version and above).

  14. Click Finish.

Important Information

When adding a Group Event, if the only participant in a Group Service is excluded, the event will not be added to the participant’s Group Service File.

Navigating Between Events

To easily navigate between Group Events use the Prev, Book New and Next buttons located at the top of the Group Event screen. This feature is available in Penelope v4.14.1.0 and above.

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