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Edit My Preferences
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Edit My Preferences

On the Worker home page in the My Profile sidebar there is an option named Edit My Preferences.

Clicking the Edit My Preferences link will bring up an edit page. From here the Worker can set a default view for the Search page, Schedule and their My Case Load. In addition to this the Worker has options to set what information they would like to see at a glance when viewing an Individual’s Service File or Service Event.

This is an extremely useful tool in allowing Workers the flexibility to choose the default manner in which they will view the information in Penelope. For example, a Worker may set their preferences so that whenever they go to the Search page it automatically defaults to an Individual search.

These preferences can also be edited in the Worker Profile by clicking the Preferences sidebar on the right and clicking the Edit link.

List of Preferences

Default Search: Which tab do you want to land on when you click the Search button?

Default Schedule View: Sets defaults for viewing the Master Agency Schedule

Default Case Load View: Sets defaults for viewing your My Case Load (e.g. Cases where you are Primary Worker, Other Worker etc).

Service File List: Can be set to show information on upcoming Events, Billing or Referral information when viewing a list of Service Files from a client’s Case page

Service Event list: Can be set to show information on Event type, Worker or Billing information when viewing a list of Events from a client’s Service File page. As of Penelope version it is now possible to show if a Service Event has any FFS billing associated with it by select Billing here.

Display Timer: Can switch Stopwatch on or off. The stopwatch is located in the left navigation bar in Penelope.

Default Event Tab: Can choose which tab to land on by default in the Service Events (Cart, Notes tab) when accessing a Service Event.

Case Default Sidebar/Service File Default Sidebar: Can set which sidebar you would like to be open when accessing Case and/or Service File pages.

Service Event Show Member: When viewing a list of Events from a client’s Service File you can set it to display different combinations of Event attendees (or none at all).

Logged In At: If your agency has multiple Sites and Workers often provide services between sites you can choose which site to login by default at.

Include Site at Login: Do you want the system to ask you which site you want to log in at when you access Penelope?

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