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Navigating Penelope
Updated over a week ago

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To get the most out of Penelope it is important to understand how best to navigate the different levels and layers. Here’s an overview of the different menus and buttons you will see in Penelope. Navigation may vary slightly depending on your Penelope configuration.

Homepage Overview

Left Navigation

Here you will find quick links to your Agency Events, Agency (Master) Schedule, Pre-Enrollment List, Blue Book, Penelope Help, Lock Screen, News and Log Out. You’ll also find links to your My Home page.

My Case Load

If you have a Clinical Worker or Intake-Mgmt account you will see your active Case Load in the middle of your My Home screen. If you have an Admin-Exec or Volunteer account you will see a list of the day’s events instead.

Top Bar

Here you will find a Back, Search, Delete and Edit button. We recommend that you use the Back button in Penelope rather than your web browser Back button.

Right Navigation

The Right Navigation bar is dynamic and changes depending on your permissions and where you are in Penelope.

Collaboration Suite

Here you can access the three Collaboration Suite drawers (Messages, Workflow and Calendar).

Note: In many places in Penelope, you can also Sort the information displayed by clicking on any of the column headers.

Up arrow = Ascending

Down Arrow = Descending

My Case Load

If you have an Intake-Mgmt or Clinical Worker account you will see your My Case Load.

Plus (+) icon – Click to book a new Service Event (appointment) for the client.

Case Name – Click to access the client’s Case page.

Presenting Client – Click to access the client’s Individual Profile.

Service File – Click to access the client’s Service File.

Today’s Events

If you have an Admin-Exec or a Volunteer account in Penelope you will see a list of your scheduled events for the day.

Top Bar

The Top Bar is available regardless of where you are in Penelope, however, functionality may vary.

Back – You can click Back to return to the last page you were working on in Penelope. It is recommended that you use this function rather than the browsers back button.

Search – You can use the Search function to find a client, Case, Service, Funder, Worker, Event, Policy and Billing Information.

Delete – You can use the Delete function to delete a client, Service File etc from Penelope. You may be prompted for a delete password depending on your configuration.

Edit – You can use the Edit function to make changes to certain information in Penelope.

Right Navigation

My Profile – The My Profile sidebar gives you information about your account type, access to your Profile and Availability.

Links – The Links sidebar gives you quick access to tools like the Intake Wizard, billing features and service lists.

Reports – The Reports sidebar gives you access to over 100 built-in Penelope reports (Standard reports). The available reports will vary depending on your permissions and also your location in Penelope.

Setup – The Setup sidebar gives you access to features such as; adding Funders, Users, Services, Service Units, Documents, Resources and User Categories.

Collaboration Suite

Messages – The Messages drawer contains all of your messages organized by type. You can create your own custom folders or tags and assign messages to them. Each message is directly linked to the underlying entity (e.g. a message about a new Case links directly to that Case) so you can click directly from the message to the item.

Workflow – The Workflow drawer displays a summary of your tasks, your agency’s unassigned task queue and an integrated version of your calendar complete with reminders. The advanced tab allows you to view or filter workflows for yourself or the staff that report to you.

Calendar – The Calendar drawer gives you access to your daily, weekly and monthly schedule.

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