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Penelope Online Dashboards Reports Guide
Penelope Online Dashboards Reports Guide

Powered by Tableau

Updated over a year ago

We offer a special online subscription service that utilizes the reporting engine Tableau to provide a suite of online reports based on data from your Penelope database.

About Tableau

Tableau is data visualization software created by Tableau Software. It is an online reporting and Dashboard tool that helps you see and understand your data. By connecting to your Penelope database, Tableau generates visualizations of metrics based on a configured data set. These Dashboards help you understand your service level, outcomes, financial and worker performance data, breakdowns and trends with greater clarity and insight.

Tableau subscription service includes the Penelope Base Reports suite that offer pre-generated Dashboards for data sets like client demographics, Referrals, Pre-Enrollment, Events, and Worker data. Each Dashboard allows for dynamic filtering on selected variables like time, service, site etc. You can get further insight by viewing the underlying data set directly from the Dashboard page.

About this guide

This complete guide provides information about how the Tableau-Penelope integration works, how to access, and navigate Tableau.

For a detailed description of each report in the Penelope Base Reports suite, the filters available, and a list of each diagram along with information about how to interpret the data, please see Navigating Tableau

In this article:

11 - Cases;

Penelope base reports

1. Demographics of Individuals Added

This report shows the demographics of individual clients. All individuals within Penelope are included (even those are not currently active or using services).

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Site

• Report Options: Show “Not Recorded” values only, exclude “Not Recorded” values, and “Remove Unspecified” where unspecified values could exist within the data.

Note: All date filtering is based on the date the individual was added to Penelope.

1.1 By Gender

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by the gender values set within Penelope. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of counts of each gender

• A bar chart of percentage of individuals of each gender

• A bar chart of counts of individuals of each gender broken down by month added to Penelope

1.2 By Site

This Dashboard shows individuals categorized by their site (assuming multiple sites exist for your agency). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A line graph of the running total of individuals per site aggregated by month added to Penelope.

• A chart of counts and percentage of gender of individuals for each site

1.3 Safety Concern

This Dashboard shows the status of individuals with safety concerns based on the selection or exclusion of the Safety Concern checkbox on the Individual Profile. Note this data is based on the current safety concern status (not historical). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of count and percentages of safety concerns broken down by gender

• A pie chart of overall percentages of individuals with safety concerns

• A bar chart of safety concerns with individuals aggregated by month added into Bonterra

1.4 Age Range

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by static age ranges with the calculation based on the individual was when added into Penelope.

• Early Childhood (0-5)

• Children (6-12)

• Teenagers (13-19)

• Young Adults (20-40)

• Middle Aged (41-60)

• Seniors (61-70)

• Over 71

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A bar chart of counter of each age category

• A pie chart by percentage of each age category

1.5 Languages Spoken

This Dashboard shows the individuals broken down by the language from the built-in language drop-down field. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A pie chart of percentage of primary language

• A bar chart of the top five languages spoken. If there are ties, more than five languages will be displayed

• A chart of the count and percentage of individuals by site whose primary language is English or another language.

1.6 User-Defined Country

This Dashboard shows the geographic distribution of individuals based on the individual user-defined country drop-down value. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A map of all countries represented with the count of individuals superimposed on the country. A country will be colored on the map the country is selected from the user-defined country drop-down value by one or more individuals.

• Inset pie chart of percentage of each country.

1.7 Individuals by Location

This Dashboard shows a distribution of all the locations of individuals aggregated by postal code on a map. The map regions are shaded based on the number of individuals within the region. Darker shades indicate more individuals in that region.

2. Demographics of Individuals New Case Services

This report looks at the demographics of individuals based on the start date of their service (the Service File open date). All individuals who have had a Service File in Penelope will be included even if they are not currently active or using services. If an individual has more than one service file from the same service, they are only counted once. Please note that an individual’s age is calculated based on the age when they were added to Penelope.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Type of Service

• Case Service Class

• Service Name

• Group Name

• Site Name

2.1 Individual Demographics

This Dashboard shows a summary of individual demographics and includes the following five bar charts:

• Gender of individuals

• Age range of individuals broken down by the following static age ranges:

o Early Childhood (0-5)

o Children (6-12)

o Teenagers (13-19)

o Young Adults (20-40)

o Middle Aged (41-60)

o Seniors (61-70)

o Over 71

• Individuals with Safety Concerns (yes/no)

• Primary language of individuals broken down to “English” and "Other” categories

• Top 5 languages spoken (If there are ties, more than five may be listed)

2.2 Gender

This Dashboard shows the gender breakdown by service. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph of percentage of gender by program

• A chart of the count and percentage of gender by service

2.3 By Site

This Dashboard shows individuals in services by site. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph of individuals in each service at each site. The individuals are further broken down by gender.

• A chart of count and percentage of individuals by service. It is broken down by gender and site.

2.4 Age Range

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by static age ranges with the calculation based on the individual was when added into Penelope.

• Early Childhood (0-5)

• Children (6-12)

• Teenagers (13-19)

• Young Adults (20-40)

• Middle Aged (41-60)

• Seniors (61-70)

• Over 71

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A chart of number and percentage of individuals by program broken down further by gender and age group.

2.5 Languages

This Dashboard shows the individuals broken down by the language from the built-in language drop-down field. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A chart of count and percentage of language by service

2.6 User-Defined Country

This Dashboard shows the geographic distribution of individuals based on the individual user-defined country drop-down value. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A map of all countries represented with the count of individuals superimposed on the country. A country will be colored on the map the country is selected from the user-defined country drop-down value by one or more individuals.

• A chart of count and percentage of service by country.

2.7 Individuals by Location

This Dashboard shows a distribution of all the locations of individuals aggregated by postal code on a map. The map regions are shaded based on the number of individuals within the region. Darker shades indicate more individuals in that region.

3. Demographics of Individuals Seen in Period

This report looks at the individuals with an event in a time period that you select from the dynamic filters. This report is designed to show you the demographics of individuals actually using your services.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Case Service/Informal Series

• Service Name

• Site Name

• Report Options: Show “Not Recorded” values only, exclude “Not Recorded” values, and “Remove Unspecified” where unspecified values could exist within the data.

Note: All data filtering is based on Event date where the Individual is added as an attendee

3.1 Summary Table

This Dashboard shows a chart with a count of unique individuals from each Case/Informal Service by month. The data is further broken down by Service Name.

3.2 Individuals Seen by Gender

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of count and percentage of individuals seen by gender.

• A bar chart of count of individuals seen each month of the year by gender.

3.3 Individuals Seen Safety Concerns

This Dashboard shows the status of individuals with safety concerns based on the selection or exclusion of the Safety Concern checkbox on the Individual Profile. Note this data is based on the current safety concern status (not historical).

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of overall percentages of individuals with safety concerns

• A bar chart of count and percentages of safety concerns broken down by gender

• A bar chart of safety concerns with individuals aggregated by month of event.

3.4 Age Ranges

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by static age ranges with the calculation based on the individual was when added into Penelope.

• Early Childhood (0-5)

• Children (6-12)

• Teenagers (13-19)

• Young Adults (20-40)

• Middle Aged (41-60)

• Seniors (61-70)

• Over 71

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of percentages of each age category broken down by gender

• A pie chart by percentage of each age category

• A word cloud

3.5 Languages Spoken

This Dashboard shows the individuals broken down by the language from the built-in language drop-down field. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A pie chart of percentage of primary language

• A bar chart of the top five languages spoken (if there are ties, more than five languages will be displayed)

• A chart of count and percentage of individuals by site whose primary language is English or another language.

3.6 User-Defined Country

This Dashboard shows the geographic distribution of individuals based on the individual user-defined country drop-down value. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A map of all countries represented with the count of individuals superimposed on the country. A country will be colored on the map the country is selected from the user-defined country drop-down value by one or more individuals.

• An inset pie chart of percentage of each country.

3.7 Individuals Seen by location

This Dashboard shows a distribution of all the locations of individuals aggregated by postal code on a map. The map regions are shaded based on the number of individuals within the region. Darker shades indicate more individuals in that region.

4. External Service Referrals

This report provides a consolidated look at all inbound and outbound external referrals (including status) from all levels in Penelope. Please note that the date filtering for this report is based on the referral date.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Referral Direction (Inbound, Outbound External, Outbound Internal)

• Service Type

• Referral Level (Service file, Case, Pre-enrollment, etc.)

• Service Name

• Worker Name (Worker first name + User ID)

4.1 By Referral Type

This Dashboard shows a breakdown of referrals by Blue Book type (eg. Referring Physician). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of percentage of referrals by type

• A bubble diagram of referrals by type

• A chart of a count of referrals by type and direction

4.2 By Referral Direction

This Dashboard splits out the referrals by direction and if it is an exit referral. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of percentage of outbound external vs inbound

• A pie chart of percentage of outbound external referrals that are exit or open (staying)

• A chart of count of direction of referrals by worker and referral level

4.3 By Referral Reason

This Dashboard shows the reasons the referrals were given (based on the Reason drop-down). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of percentages of referral reasons

• A word cloud of referral reasons

• A chart of count of referrals by blue book name and referral direction

4.4 By Closed Referrals

This Dashboard shows the outcomes of closed referrals for outbound external referral types. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of count of out bound external referrals that are open and closed

• A pie chart of percentage of outcomes for closed referrals

• A chart of referral outcomes by service and referral status

5. Pre-Enrollment

This report looks at Pre-Enrollment List entries. The date filters are based on the date the entry was placed on the list. All pre-enrollment list entries are included, even if they are no longer on the list.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Pre-Enrollment Category

• Service Name

5.1 Pre-Enrollment List Overview

This Dashboard show of an overview of the status of the pre-enrollment entries. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of percentage of priority of pre-enrollment entries

• A bar chart of count of pre-enrollments by status (assigned, open, cancelled, etc) and assignment (Case Services Not assigned, etc)

• A chart of pre-enrollments by status, assignment, and cancelation reasons (where applicable)

5.2 Pre-Enrollments by Month

This Dashboard includes a line graph of the number of entries added to the pre-enrollment list for each service over time (aggregated by month).

5.3 Open and Pending Pre-Enrollments

This Dashboard shows two charts with data from with an open pre-enrollment entry. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A count of entries, average days on the list, and wait time of current oldest entry on the list by category and service

• A bar chart of average days on the list by category and service, including total average

5.4 Closed Pre-Enrollments

This Dashboard shows closed pre-enrollments entries. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A count of entries, average days off the list, average days on the list, and shortest time on the list by service and status/cancellation reason

• A bar chart of average days on the list by category and service, including total average

6. Service Events

This report looks at events (Case, Group, Informal, and Indirect) and includes events with a start date earlier than the day the report is run. Please note that time filtering is based on event date.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Parent Site

• Site

• Event Category

• Service Name

6.1 Event Summary

This Dashboard shows a summary of all events and includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of event counts by event category (case, group, indirect, informal) including a grand total

• A bar chart of event status (Booked, Show, etc.)

• A chart of count of events by site and category

6.2 Case Service Event by Event Types

This Dashboard shows a count of events and the total duration of events in hours and minutes. This information is further broken down by services, event status, and event types.

6.3 Informal Series

This Dashboard shows a count of events and total duration of events in hours and minutes. This information is further broken down by informal service name and service (Informal Series) name.

6.4 Indirect Events

This Dashboard shows a count of events and total duration of events in hours and minutes. This event information is broken down by indirect event type and site name.

7. Worker Event Report

This report looks at the events associated with all workers within Penelope. All event types (Case, Informal, and Indirect) are included and date filtering is based on event start time.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Worker

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Service

7.1 Event Overview

This Dashboard shows counts of events by status (Booked, Show, Cancelled etc.) and includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph of events by category (Case, Group, Indirect, Informal)

• A chart of events by category, event status, and service

7.2 Case Event Hours

This Dashboard includes a bar graph of counts of events by status (Booked, Show, etc.). The events are additionally broken down by service.

7.3 Events by Month

This Dashboard includes a bar chart of the duration of hours for events aggregated by month and separated by event status.

7.4 Case Event Breakdown

This Dashboard includes a chart broken down by service, global event type, and global event status. It shows a count of service events, their duration in hours, and the percentage of hours (out of the total) within their category breakdown on the chart.

7.5 Informal Series Summary

This Dashboard includes a bar chart of the duration of informal series services aggregated by month.

7.6 Informal Series Breakdown

This Dashboard includes a chart broken down by informal service name, informal series name, and event title. It shows a count of service events, their duration in hours, and the percentage of hours (out of the total) within their category breakdown on the chart.

7.7 Indirect Events Summary

This Dashboard includes a bar chart of the duration of indirect event types aggregated by month.

7.8 Indirect Event Breakdown

This Dashboard includes a chart broken down by indirect event type and event title. It shows a count of service events, their duration in hours, and the percentage of hours out of the total.

7.9 Group Events Summary

This Dashboard includes a bar chart of the count of group events by service and group name.

7.10 Group Events by Month

This Dashboard includes a bar chart of the duration of group events broken down by group name and aggregated by month.

7.11 Group Event Breakdown

This Dashboard includes a chart broken down by group name and service. It shows a count of group events, their duration in hours, the count of service events, and the percentage of hours by service. Note that the count of group events is the number of sessions held, and the count of service events is the count of these sessions within attendee’s service files. Therefore, if one session was held, but three separate individuals attended, there would be one group event and three service events.

8. Individual Demographics Only

This report shows the demographics of individual clients. All individuals within Penelope are included (even those that are not currently active or using services).

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

• Site

• Report Options: Show “Not Recorded” values only or exclude “Not Recorded” values.

Note: All date filtering is based on the date the individual was added to Penelope.

8.1 By Age Range

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by static age ranges with the calculation based on the individual was when added into Penelope.

• Early Childhood (0-5)

• Children (6-12)

• Teenagers (13-19)

• Young Adults (20-40)

• Middle Aged (41-60)

• Seniors (61-70)

• Over 71

This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A bar chart of counter of each age category

• A pie chart by percentage of each age category

8.2 By Gender

This Dashboard shows a distribution of individuals by the gender values in Penelope. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of counts of each gender

• A pie chart of percentage of each gender

• Bar charts of gender counts and percentages for each site

8.3 Individuals by Primary Language

This Dashboard shows the individuals broken down by the language from the built-in language drop-down field. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A word cloud

• A pie chart of percentage of primary language

• A map of individual language pie charts for each zip/postal code which is attached to an individual as the main address. Note that zip/postal codes that cannot be geo-coded (for example, if there is a typo) will not appear on the map.

8.4 Individuals by Location

This Dashboard shows a distribution of all the locations of individuals aggregated by postal code on a map.

9. Basic Events by Worker

This report shows the events associated with all workers in Penelope. All event types are included (Service Event, Indirect Event, Group Event, etc.) and date filtering is based on event start time.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Worker

• Year

• Quarter

• Month(s)

9.1 Worker Events

This Dashboard shows counts of events by status (Booked, Show, Cancelled etc.). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph of events by category (Case, Group, Indirect, Informal)

• A bar graph of events by category and service

9.2 Worker Event Types

This Dashboard includes a bar graph of counts of events by status (Booked, Show, etc.). The events are further broken down by service and event type (for example, individual appointment, group session, phone call, etc. Please note that the labels for event type are based on the configuration of your Penelope database).

10. Peak Times

This report shows when Events take place. Some dashboards are specific to Service Events while others take other types of Events into account (Group, Indirect, Informal, etc.)

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Event Start Time

• Worker Name

• Site Name

• Event Type

10.1 Service File Events by Time

This Dashboard shows counts of events by time of day (morning, afternoon, evening). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A line graph of events by starting hour

• A bar graph of events by time of day

• A table of events by hour and day of the week

10.2 Service Units and Day of Week

This Dashboard shows counts of Service Units by day of the week. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph showing a count of Service Units by event status and day of the week

• A bar graph showing a count of Service Units by name and day of the week

10.3 Total Time Spent by Start Time

This Dashboard shows a breakdown of time spent on each Event Category (Service Files, Groups, Informal Services, Indirect Events) by day of the week. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph of Event duration in each Event category by day of the week

• A pie graph of total time spent in each Event category

• A line graph of Event duration by Event start hour

10.4 Event Count

This Dashboard shows counts of Events by day of the week. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph showing a count of Events by day of the week (broken down by category)

• A bar graph showing percentage of Events by category

10.5 Anonymous Service Categories

This Dashboard shows counts of Anonymous Service categories by day of the week. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar graph showing a count of Anonymous Service categories by day of the week

11. Cases

This report looks at the Cases and Case Members including both system and user-defined Case fields and demographic information of Case members.

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Case Open Date

• Case Status

11.1 Case Information

This Dashboard shows counts of Cases. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bubble diagram showing a count of Case Members per Case

• A bar chart showing a count of Cases by Case age

• A pie chart showing the distribution of Cases by status (open, closed, pending)

• A bar chart showing the distribution of family size by income

11.2 Case Presenting Issues

This Dashboard shows counts of Presenting Issues captured at the Case level. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart showing Presenting Issues by Presenting Issue Group as a percentage of all Presenting Issues

• A bar chart showing Presenting Issues as a percentage of all Presenting Issues

11.3 Case Member Information

This Dashboard shows demographic information about Case Members. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A pie chart of Case Member ages by age bracket

• A bar chart of Case Member gender (as defined by your agency’s Gender drop-down labels)

• A chart showing the distribution of Case Member relationships

11.4 Case Activity

This Dashboard shows the opening and closure activity of Cases across a defined period of time. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A line graph showing the number of cases opened and closed

11.5 Case Drop-Downs

This Dashboard shows counts of data based on the user-defined drop-down values configured at the Case level in your database). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of counts of each user-defined Case drop-down field

11.6 Case Checkboxes

This Dashboard shows counts of data based on the user-defined checkbox values configured at the Case level in your database). This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of counts of each user-defined Case checkbox field

11.7 Case Documents

This Dashboard shows counts of completed Documents at the Case level. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table of completed Case Documents including staged Documents

• A pie chart showing the number of Documents completed per Case

• A line graph showing the number of Documents completed per month across a defined period of time

12. Account Summary

This report summarizes the value of transactions recorded throughout Penelope (Debit, Invoice, Payment, Credit, Return, and Recovery).

Each Dashboard includes the following dynamic filters:

• Transaction Date

• Account Type

• Site Name

• Funder

12.1 Accounts Receivable

This Dashboard shows a summary of your Accounts Receivable data. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A line graph of transaction amounts across the defined transaction date filter

• A bar graph of transaction mounts by transaction type across the defined transaction date filter

12.2 Debit Notes

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Debits. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Debits received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Debit amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Debit amounts received by Reason

12.3 Invoices

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Invoices. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Invoices received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Invoices amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Invoices amounts received by Service Unit

12.4 Payments

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Payments. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Payments received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Payments amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Payments amounts received by Reason

12.5 Credits

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Credits. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Credits received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Credits amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Credits amounts received by Reason

12.6 Returns

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Returns. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Returns received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Return amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Return amounts received by Reason

12.7 Recoveries

This Dashboard shows counts of dollar values for Recoveries. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A table summarizing Recoveries received across Sites by Account Type (funder/individual)

• A bar chart summarizing Recovery amounts received by Site

• A bar chart summarizing Recovery amounts received by Reason

12.8 Account Aging

This Dashboard shows a summary of outstanding transactions (Debits, Invoices, Payments, Credits, Returns, and Recoveries) defined by the number of days from today that the transaction has been outstanding. This report includes the following visualizations:

• A bar chart of unapplied Debits/Invoices by transaction date

• A bar chart of unapplied Payments/Credits/Returns/Recoveries by transaction date

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