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How do I cancel my booking?
Updated over 5 months ago

If your activity is cancellable, you can do so within the specified time frame free of charge and without giving a reason. You can find out whether your activity is cancellable in this article.

Cancel the booking yourself

Click on "Edit booking" in the confirmation email you received from us after booking. Here you will find all the information about your booking and can cancel it under "Cancel ticket".

You will then receive another confirmation email that the cancellation has been made. The money will be refunded to the payment method you used for the booking within a few days.

Cancel the booking after the date of the activity

We cannot guarantee a cancellation after the deadline or outside of the specified period. You can fill out this form, and we will check if a cancellation and refund are possible. Please note that we cannot guarantee a refund, as it is at the discretion of our partner.

Please also fill out the form if the provider has informed you that you will receive a refund from Swiss Activities because they had to cancel the activity.

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