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Analytics Overview + FAQs

Learn about our comprehensive analytics dashboard.

Updated over 4 months ago

For back-to-school 2024, TalkingPoints released a new and updated analytics dashboard in our School and District products. The new dashboard allows partners to drill down into key data to help them access and utilize key data they need to track and drive usage of the TalkingPoints platform in support of their family engagement goals.

With the releases to the TalkingPoints platform starting in July and continuing through October, School and District product users with the appropriate permissions and roles will see a new Analytics option in their side navigation. When they get to the new dashboard they will find the analytics visualizations grouped by theme around questions that school or district administrators may be interested in.


When will the new analytics be available?

The new analytics dashboard will initially be available starting with the July 2024 new feature release. After the initial July release, additional sections will be added from late August through October.

How do partners access the new analytics?

Once available in the TalkingPoints application, all District and School product users will see the new analytics page by default when they log in.The dashboard can also be accessed any time by selecting the Analytics tab in the side navigation.

What are the key sections on the new analytics dashboard?

Here is an overview of the key sections available for staff with school and district roles in the new analytics dashboard and the related questions the data can help answer.

How many messages were sent? See the messaging data organized by:

  • The type of messages sent over time

  • Staff messaging - with a breakdown of announcements and direct messages

  • Family messaging

  • Student messaging

How often did staff login?

Who was the most/least engaged?

  • Get a quick snapshot of staff engagement and who is sending/receiving the most and least messages inTalkingPoints.

Which families aren’t being reached?

  • Quickly understand which families have missing or invalid contact information that is keeping them from receiving messages and announcements.

Which demographics use TalkingPoints? (coming in August/September 2024)

  • View a breakdown of contacts by language, ELL status, as well as usage of the TalkingPoints Family app versus text messaging.

In addition to the analytics above, staff with district roles will also have access to the following sections from their analytics dashboard.

School Engagement

  • See which schools were the most and least engaged across the district. Data can be viewed and filtered by school(s), region of staff.

School and/or Region Usage

  • See how usage of TalkingPoints compares across schools and/or regions (if regions are defined by the district).

Staff can drill down into more granular data by clicking on any of the visualizations on the main dashboard page. This will take the user to a secondary page where they will be presented with various filtering and sorting options.

Note that if a particular part of a visualization, such as a section of a pie chart, is selected, the secondary page will be pre-filtered based on the section selected.

All table data within the analytics dashboard can be downloaded to .csv and all chart visuals can be saved as .jpeg or .png files.

What about the existing analytics - are those going away?

Yes. Since the majority of the data will be available in the new analytics dashboard in a more user friendly format, the current (legacy) analytics will be removed from the platform in a couple of stages with the expectation being that they will be fully retired and removed by October 2024.

What are some of the improvements in the new analytics dashboard?

The new and improved analytics are focused around engagement and utilize user-friendly modern visual elements with more interactive features to drill down, sort and filter data. This helps provide the insights and most usable data administrators are looking for.

Can partners download any data from the new analytics dashboard?

Yes, all table data within the analytics dashboard can be downloaded to .csv and all chart visuals can be saved as .jpeg or .png files.

Is all of the data from the legacy analytics included in the new dashboard?

Yes, for the most part, all of the data partners were used to will still be available. Partners may notice small differences in the section labels or the filters available in the new dashboard.

The one exception is that partners will no longer see the general totals (big numbers) at the top of the analytics page. Instead, the data can be found within the dashboard sections with additional filtering and sorting options. Partners will also have new data available including visualizations for newer student messaging options as well as comparisons and filters by region (if utilized in larger districts).

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