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Base Roles and Permissions Overview
Base Roles and Permissions Overview

Learn more about the different roles and permissions in TalkingPoints.

Updated over 4 months ago

TalkingPoints offers a flexible set of base roles partners can use “out-of-the-box”. Base roles come with a set of pre-defined permissions. Partners cannot change these permissions.

  • Permissions: control access to functionality within a specific level of the platform. Permissions are bundled into “roles” and control the sum of functionality a staff member can access within that product level

  • Roles: variable collections of permissions that grant users access to specific functionality within the TalkingPoints platform. Roles can be assigned to staff to contol their level of access to TalkingPoints (teacher-level, school-level, district-level)

    Holding a role with permissions at the District Level grants a user access to the district product and functionality within the district product. To access the school-level and school-level functionality, a user must also hold a school-level role and so on.

Base roles don't fit your needs? See our article on creating a custom role.

Overview of each base role:

TalkingPoints for Districts

  • District Admins have the highest level of permissions in TalkingPoints. District Admins can view all messages in the district community; manage all student, class, and staff data; view analytics; and, if they have district messaging, send messages from the district level.

  • District Viewers have a read-only version of the district account. They can see all student, class, staff, and analytics data as well as all messages, but cannot edit data or send messages. District Viewers must be manually assigned by a District Admin.

TalkingPoints for Schools

  • School Admins can view all messages in the school community; manage all student, class, group, and staff data; view analytics; and send messages from the school level.

  • School Viewers have a read-only version of the school account. They can see all student, class, staff, and analytics data as well as all messages, but cannot edit data or send messages. School Viewers must be manually assigned by a District or School Admin.

  • Technical School Admin can manage all student, class, group, and staff data but cannot see all messages within the school community or send messages from the school level. Technical School Admin must be manually assigned by a District or School Admin.

TalkingPoints for Teachers + Non-Rostered Staff

  • Teachers have access to their class rosters that come from data integration. They can create groups and message their rosters.

  • Non-Rostered staff are automatically assigned to grade-level classes for their school(s). They are able to have classes across multiple schools. They can create groups and message their rosters.

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